Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Army of the Dead

This here is my new Death Knight deck in the World of Warcraft TCG. they came out with a mini set of something like 40 cards to introduce the Death Knight class including 2 heros, 1 horde and 1 alliance.

despite that they didnt feature anything death knight related until 2 set releases later, in Scourgewar, so i had to really put my Death Knight deck on the back burner for lack of a clear focus.

now that Scourgewar is out theres alot more abilities and a few more heros to choose from so i think i can confidently put my first Unholy foot forward! lol.

Hero: Saeryn Dusksorrow

Abilities (18):
  • 4x Deathcoil
  • 2x Army of the Dead
  • 2x Raise Dead
  • 3x Icy Touch
  • 3x Death Pact
  • 2x Mind Freeze
  • 2x Arcane Torrent

Equipment (7):
  • 4x Runed Soulblade
  • 3x Scourgeborne Battlegear

Allies (19):
  • 2x Deathcharger
  • 4x Drandus the Deathcaller
  • 4x Vanessa Fairgraves
  • 2x "Fungus Face" McGillicutty
  • 2x "Acid Hands" McGillicutty
  • 3x Boneshanks
  • 1x Ethereal Plunderer
  • 1x Conqueror Kagon Blackskull

Quests (16):
  • 3x Betrayal
  • 3x Chasing A-Me 01
  • 2x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
  • 3x Hazardous Materials
  • 3x Brothers in Death
  • 2x Solanian's Belongings

So first what we have is basically Ghoul beatdown. you put some ghouls out, you attack, you untap em, attack again. so on and so forth. "how do you bring ghouls out?" you may ask. well the answer is simple. kill allies!

unfortunatly most of the time its your own allies you need to kill. so if thats the case, why not play allies that are happy for the grave anyway?

Thats why most of the allies in my deck have going into the graveyard effects. like Vanessa Fairgraves. for 3 you get a 3 Attack 3 Health ally that says "When vanessa is destroyed, put a ghoul ally token into play with 3 [melee] atk / 3 health." that and guys like Boneshanks and "Fungus Face" McGillicutty make destroying your own allies not so bad.

so once theyre dead you put out a Drandus the Deathcaller or two and attack away with your ghouls for great justice! (or lack thereof!)

and if anyone catches a beat on ya, just hit him with the Army of the Dead! Bwuahahahahahahahahahaha!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Here Wii Go!

Well, My birthday was pretty awesome.

you know, if any of you cared :p

first we went for sushi at my favorite sushi restaurant, Sakura Sushi (on Lee Trevino past Pebble Hills GO THERE!) with my dear wife and friends and then back to my place for cards, video games and desert!

My lovely wife got me New Super Mario Bros Wii which if you dont yet know is the 4 player old-school-style Mario game for Wii.

since its 4 players theres basically 2 modes, cooperative, where youre *supposed* to help each other and complete levels, and coin battle where you try to see which one of you can get the most coins from the group.

now i say "supposed to" because frankly its pretty damn hard not to knock your friends off ledges and into lava, off a platform floating above a cliff, or straight into the path of a hammer bro. and dont even get me started on the green and red shells!

now, although its hard as hell to not kill each other in coop mode, dont let that dissuade you. good times were had by all, no matter how many times you heard someone shout "damn you! that was my fire flower!". in fact i think people were so wrapped up in playing NSMBW that people forgot i even had Super Smash Bros Brawl.

after all that i watched funny people (actually a very good movie) and then played some WoW TCG against Mike and then went to sleep.

and that was the day BEFORE my birthday. lol

actually we celebrated sat so we didnt do much on my actual birthday, just applebees and playing Fallout 3. Rock!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wish List

Well cause its getting close to christmas birthday i thought i'd make a list of stuff i want

you know.... cause i want it

Nintendo DS:
Pokemon Heartgold
Glory of Heracles
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Xbox 360:
Halo: Reach Collectors Edition
Fable III Collectors Edition
Fallout: New Vegas Collectors Edition
Green Day Rock Band
Dragon Age: Awakening
Final Fantasy XIII
Halo 3: ODST
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 2: Limited Edition
Microsoft Points

Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker Collectors Edition
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Nintendo Points

Wrathgate booster packs (WoW TCG)
Scourgewar booster packs (WoW TCG)
Fields of Honor booster packs (WoW TCG)
Zendikar booster packs (Magic:tG)
Worldwake booster packs (Magic:tG)

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Collectors Edition (PC)
Halo Lengends (2 disc DVD or Blu-Ray)
Star Trek Online Collectors Edition (PC)
Speed Racer Manga Collector's Box Set
an iPhone (preferably 3G or 3GS)
Mass Effect Redemtion (Comic, Darkhorse)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Xbox 360 is Inspector Gadget...

Remember that show? lol., well it does have everything to do with the point im trying to make so i'll run it down for you.

Inspector Gadget was a secret agent who's body was augmented with all sorts of gadgets to help him in his espionage. in actuality he was kind of a loser and his gadgets although cool, never helped him much. it always came down to his niece Penny and her dog to help him save the day and accomplish his missions

ok, what the hell does this have to do with my Xbox? well they just added 4 new distinct features to the Xbox 360 console a couple days ago, Facebook, Twitter, Last.fm, and the Zune Marketplace.

The Facebook and Twitter tabs are an Xbox 360 way to bring social networking to games. mostly its just a slightly watered version of the 2 current most popular social networking sites (cutting out the facebook aps, and facebook chat functions only). Its good for you if the computer is currently occupied (or dead if youre like me :/ ) but otherwise the web version will still be your best bet. Twitter is twitter so if youre all about the tweeting than its pretty much the same actually lol.

Last.fm is quite cool, ice never heard of it before but it builds radio stations around particular artists that stream songs by them and by bands of singers that are similar. if all you want are the popular singers, listen to your top 40 station back home, but this is a great tool for finding new or less popular bands. and thankfully if there is too much you dont like, there is a skip button or simply move to a new station. the absolute best part is after youve browsed other stations and told Last.fm what you like, it can build you a radio station with your favorite songs/genres. the only problem with this is it doesnt run behind anything else. you cant listen to this with custom soundtracks or anything. so if youre like me and when you actually DO get a chance to use your Xbox, you probably wont waste time by listening to Last.fm, no matter how cool it is.

and last but not least is the Zune marketplace. this isnt an add-on so much as its an update. they are now using the Zune marketplace for all Xbox Live marketplace media downloads. i'm not sure if game DLC is also through the Zune marketplace, but i think its just music, videos, and movies. the good news is theyve added a couple features like viewing parties where people on your Xbox Live friends list can come in and watch streaming videos with you in a mystery science theater 3000 kinda way. the good news is since all this is from the Zune marketplace theres more content now in the movie and tv categories, yay!

Now what does this have to do with Inspector Gadget? I feel about most of these exactly what i feel about Inspector gadget. Alot of cool features, but he still can't get the job done alone. Xbox has had a recent decline of 360 exclusives in the last year, and although alot of former Playstation exclusive developers are taking games to both consoles Microsoft needs to encourage developers to go Xbox onry! Thats what will sell consoles, not fancy features, not project natal, not Facebook and Twitter for Xbox Live. and while these things are great and add a wide range of things you can do with the console, none of them truly expand on what people buy the console in the first place: the games.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Like Christmas... in November....

Today is a good day.

No seriously, as far as days go there will probably be only 3 others this year that will that have been/will be better.

one is Christmas, what? i love presents.

another will be my birthday... once again... presents, awesome.

and of course, the most shining day this year will be my wedding day, (not that its why it will be awesome, but coincidently will be another present giving occasion...)

but today ranks firmly on the 4th most awesome day of the year award. why?

presents, of course!

Today marks the release of not one, not two, but THREE awesome things.

  1. Left 4 Dead 2
  2. Assassin's Creed II
  3. Star Trek on DVD&Blu-Ray
What makes today so awesome is that i will have (sorta) all three today!

My lovely soon-to-be bride bought Left 4 Dead 2 and we decided to go at midnight to go pick it up. while there we saw all the lovely Assassin's Creed II boxes, and because she is quite literally the most awesome female in the world, she basically bought me Assassin's Creed II there to pick up at midnight. (see now why my wedding day is going to be so awesome, i get to MARRY her!)

so at midnight we picked 2 of the biggest game releases of the year!

and of course Star Trek will be waiting at home thanks to my wonderful mother!

and on a sort-of-completely unrelated note, c'mon people, stop decorating for Christmas, its not even thanksgiving. Pilgrims everywhere are calling bullshit on Jesus and Santa for encroaching on their only 15 minutes of fame

Thursday, November 5, 2009

100 to go!

yup thats right, 393/493 obtained pokémon!

damn i have no life.... :(

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Once your diggin'

Well the Pokédex is coming along rather nicely if you havent seen this recently. just for shits and giggles i checked Bulbapedia on some random things yesterday and came across the trainer stars article.

seems if you accomplish certain feats you get stars for your trainer case that also changes the backround color of your trainer card.

now this isnt a huge deal but if you complete the Pokédex with all the non event exclusive Pokémon you get a star.

since that is totally possible for me, and im heading in that direction anyway i decided to see what else i could do in the meantime to add some more stars to my trainer case.

one is in the Underground:

now, ive been here before. to get Spiritomb i had to talk to "myself" 30-something times.

i say myself because i was supposed to talk to another person, but instead i just talked to myself between my diamond and platinum games.

well its a return to the same formula this time around as i think ill be capturing my own flag over and over from one game to the other, hell i might just build my bases in each game right next to each other haha, hows that for a loop hole huh?

and while im down there i'll pick up a couple water stones, lord knows i need em to evolve my staryu and shellder :(

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Over 9000!!!!11

and by It's i mean my Xbox live gamerscore

a.k.a. my dickhat.

actually it has been for a little while but i guess it never really occured to me

lets see.... what else is new........

i made this for my Deviant art ID:

i think its nifty i dont know aout you. its officially the first FFXI related artwork ive completed in fireworks since i got it... say... i dunno a year ago?

yeah i know i poke it. anyways

Halloween is tomorrow and if anyone i know decides to be not lame and dress up ill post pics

damn, what a boring blog entry....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Venum Dare

Heres a little ditty about jack and REGIGIGAS...

wait... thats not how it goes

well im on deviant art... you may have noticed as i have a widget on the sidebar on my blog here that shows my 4 most recent entries or whatever. i dunno it may be 5

anyways while on there i got a bit of encouragement from "CalgaryCosplay" so naturaly i commented back. while on the site i saw they sell cosplay hoodies, all of which actually look pretty good, some of them are quite intricate in fact

so i got to thinking, wouldnt it be cool to show off my extreme geekiness by ordering one?

so then i got to thinking, wait, dont i know an awesome designer?

so then i got to thinking wait, dont i know an awesome seamstress chick?

so then i got to thinking... wait for it... I CAN PLAN IT AND I CAN HAVE MY FRIEND MAKE IT!

pretty awesome huh? i rock.

in fact, seeing this i thought even further about suggesting that my friend do something like this to actually make money.

you should see the WHM cosplay pants she made her fiancee last year, theyre quite awesome. i know people would be willing to pay for it, and since its something she could do in her spare time i think its something she can legitimately consider.

we'll see if she wants to, but ill definatly pay her to make some stuff for me, namely that hoodie, and a Commodore Tricorne...

that would be sexy....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Avast ye Heatran!

Made this in Fireworks this morning, like? If Heatran were a pirate he would defiantly fly this flag!

Har har har!

anyways... My pokédex is coming along awesomely

i've figured theres only 2 i can never catch/obtain without cheating, both were available through one-time nintendo special events :(

(Deoxys and Celebi in case youre wondering)

as for tonight, if i have the time i have 2 pursuits: Catching Heatran in Platinum and catching Feebas

and what a pain in the ass that last ones gonna be :(

Friday, October 16, 2009

From first to last

For those of you who just dont know...

the last pokemon, Arceus will finally be availible for download by heading out to toys'r'us stores and downloading the item Azure Flute Arceus via mystery gift. (free in case you were wondering)

of course since i already announced my plan to catch as many if not all 493 pokémon i can this is a big deal.

now i just gotta worry about being the only 24 year old guy surrounded byt a bunch of kids. to prevent free candy/windowless van jokes maybe i can just download it from the parking lot...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I know, i know its been like FOREVER since i posted anything FFXI related.

what can i say, i was going through a non-FFXI phase or something

in any case i'm back now and ill prolly play a couple times a week (more than the once a week, if even, i was playing before lol)

and because im Corsair is very well merrited at this point i thought i would take some time off from that and level another job i like: Scholar

yessum, its no wonder what the people at the Square-Enix design team were thinking when they designed the AF for this job...

in any case i got it from 27 to 29 yesterday night in a LS low level manaburn that was simply awesome, we were taking IT mandies in Yhoater Jungle with 4 Black Mages, me (SCH/BLM), and a Bard.

and when 2 of us had to leave we moved back to Yuhntunga and took gobbies with just us 4

of course im a little over 1k tnl and i think im going to solo some worms in Qufim tonight so i can round myself off to 30 and get Addendum: Black! (hurray for having a sleep spell finally!)

which brings me to a point... i'll need spells.

the only other traditional mage jobs i have are WHM at 59, BLM at 17, and RDM at 25.

I'm covered for awhile on white magic... but as you can imagine im a bit lacking in the black magic department.

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Gotta Catch 'Em All!

    ... and GOD DAMN is it hard!

    ugh, seriously did you all know theres 493 Pokémon in total across 4 generations of games?

    its a little unfair when you think about it.

    so right now, in my Platinum game im at 309(seen) and in my Diamond game im at 378(seen)

    notable Pokémon im missing: damn near everything from the Gold/Silver/Crystal games, Mew, Mewtwo, Celebi, Jiraichi, Deoxys, Arceus, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Manaphy, Lugia, Ho-oh, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regigias, Latias, Latios, Kygore, Groudon, and Rayquaza.

    *breathes deeply*

    in Pokémon terms, thats like a million, cause some of those are only available through limited time events.

    i was lucky enough to get Darkrai, Shaymin and Phione which are normally part of that event Pokémon genre.

    the ones above i *can* get will require hundres more hours of play across several GBA games :( why oh why did i ever decide to try to complete my pokédex?

    P.S. This is my Platinum trainer card, with my Platinum friend number thingy, feel free to give me your number and we can battle and all that stuff.

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    Magic: The Gathering - The Untouchables v2.0

    heres an oldy but goody, something i made for shits and giggles back in the day, i really liked the way it played so i decided to bring it back as part of a "the best of Absolutezero" collection.

    cause out of all the decks ive ever built, there are 4 ive always loved most.

    This is one.

    the other decks in this collection are a black/green Spiritmonger deck during the Apocalypse/Odyssey block, a black/blue Nightmare deck when Torment was out, and a blue/black/green Future Sight/Morph deck that got out creatures of all colors really fast around the Onslaught block

    So without further ado, i give you "The Untouchables!"

    Creatures (21):
    • 1x Phage, The Untouchable
    • 4x Shadowmage Infiltrator
    • 4x Cephalid Pathmage
    • 3x Withered Wretch
    • 4x Crypt Creeper
    • 2x Painbringer
    • 2x Organ Grinder
    Spells (19):
    • 4x Web of Inertia
    • 3x Gravestorm
    • 4x Grip of Amnesia
    • 3x Grave Consequences
    • 3x Mortiphobia
    • 3x Lost in Thought
    Lands (20):
    • 4x Drowned Catacomb
    • 1x Shizo, Death's Storehouse
    • 3x Sunken Ruins
    • 4x Watery Grave
    • 4x Island
    • 4x Swamp

    The whole point, is Phage is really just a distraction, if you win with her great, but theres only 1 in the deck for a reason.

    unblockable creatures are perfect since you can do small amounts of damage the opponent is willing to let slip past as long as Phage doesnt get to them

    its magical how gullible people are sometimes aint it?

    to help speed up the price theres also Nefarious Lich which if timed right can win the game with a single unblockable critter on the board. dont let it bite you in the ass though, as your graveyard will be just as scarce as your opponents.

    theres a decent amount of card drawing to speed this up a bit, with Gravestorms and the Finkels (a.k.a. Shadowmage Infiltrator)

    and to top it all off if you thought you EVER had to worry about being attacked, theres also Web of Inertia, the best swarm control since Hissing Miasma (which ironically came AFTER.... oh well)

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Might as well get in on the action!


    Made this using Fireworks and uploaded to I'mma let you finnish .com, aka http://kanyegate.tumblr.com/


    Tuesday, September 8, 2009

    Magic: The Gathering - Metallic Dreams v2.0

    Well as i mentioned before, i got that Metallic Dreams deck in Planechase. the deck as a whole has a workable theme, and is pretty random at times, but i say potential it wasnt quite living up to. enter the tinkerer, i.e. me. i spent that whole afternoon making it better than what it was and this is pretty much where ive arrived at:

    Metallic Dreams v2.0

    Artifact Creatures (19):
    • 3x Arcbound Slith
    • 1x Arcbound Ravager
    • 2x Arcbound Stinger
    • 2x Spincrusher
    • 1x Arcbound Reclaimer
    • 1x Arcbound Crusher
    • 1x Triskelion
    • 1x Pentavus
    • 1x Arcbound Overseer
    • 1x Silver Myr
    • 1x Leaden Myr
    • 1x Iron Myr
    • 1x Master of Etherium
    • 1x Master Transmuter
    • 1x Bosh, Iron Golem
    Non-artifact Creatures (8):
    • 1x Vedalken Engineer
    • 1x Qumulox
    • 1x Broodstar
    • 2x Krark-Clan Stoker
    • 2x Atog
    • 1x Megatog
    Non-creature Artifacts (10):
    • 1x Time Sieve
    • 2x Armillary Sphere
    • 2x Pentad Prism
    • 1x Cranial Plating
    • 1x Loxodon Warhammer
    • 1x Nuisance Engine
    • 1x Serum Tank
    • 1x Darksteel Forge
    Spells (1):
    • 1x Thirst for Knowledge
    Lands (22):
    • 2x Seat of the Synod
    • 7x Island
    • 1x Vault of Whispers
    • 3x Swamp
    • 2x Great Furnace
    • 7x Mountain

    I know it seems pretty scattered but i kept over half the cards in the original precontrusted but definatly lost that hippie WUBRG crap this deck had going on.

    rainbows are for hippies and gays!

    actually scratch that, i think even the gay community gave up rainbows.

    after that i added some flavor from an old Modular deck i had going, with Spincrushers and Triskelions for improved counter useage.

    so all in all i think the deck will play faster and harder than before all while still functioning very well with the Planar deck Metallic Dreams 1.0 originally came with. i might even change it a bit more in the future depending on how it plays both solo and in Planechase!

    Take a (planes)walk on the wild side!

    Well this weekend was the Planechase release event weekend and me and a couple friends went over to my Ita's store (Sunrise Games and Comics) and had ourselves a mini Planechase event.

    i myself picked up the Strike Force and Metallic Dreams decks.

    Strike Force had awesome cards included and was built fairly well as i can tell (as i didnt get to play it much; i lent it to a friend to use in our 3-way game) but the Metallic Dreams was a must because it had the Planar cards i wanted most.

    Anyways, Planechase was hilarious and fun.

    Game 1 went well enough. i was taken out a little early on, but the game started to get interesting when we all exchanged life totals a million times due to the Cliffside Markets in Mercadia.

    Game 2 saw all players near crying as 50-60% of everyones librarys got milled cause of Arkhos's Lethe Lake, and our unluckiness of not being able to planeswalk away for several turns. needless to say the Zombie Empire player took that win >.>

    And dont even get me started on our 3rd game,the Sea of Sand in Rabiah killed us off after a player used Bond of Agony (we started using our own decks instead of playing the preconstructed ones at this point)

    The 4th game was hilarious simply because we had goats everywhere, and my 17/17 Lorescale Coatl was the only thing dealing damage when I put down Segovia's Hippodrome! not to mention the Malestrom is always fun when it throws an Ascendent Evincar on the table and does a mass slaughter on goats, board-wide!

    All in all the game is great, there arent really many new things to learn, just very briefly about how to use the Planar deck and the only other thing to really keep in mind is that the first player does draw a card in multiplayer games of Planechase. its really something that Magic needed, someting new that didnt seem forced or gimicky.

    and thankfully Planechase delivers just that!

    Thursday, August 27, 2009

    Magic: The Gathering - Jace of Spades v1.1

    Excuse the corny name for the deck, i couldn't resist!

    This one, like so many of my other Magic decks is Black/Blue.

    I was still dissapointed overall in the Alara block but i got over it and with the addition of Magic 2010 (the new core set) i have regained some of my faith in this once excellent card game. (more about that in a later post - promise!)

    so without further ado... Jace of Spades!

    Planeswalker - 3
    • 3x Jace Beleren
    Spells - 29
    • 4x Underworld Dreams
    • 4x Sign in Blood
    • 4x Howling Mine
    • 2x Font of Mythos
    • 2x Twincast
    • 3x Dream Fracture
    • 2x Countersquall
    • 2x Soul Manipulation
    • 2x Doom Blade
    • 4X Call to Heel
    Creatures - 8
    • 4x Tidehollow Strix
    • 4x Parasitic Strix
    Lands - 22
    • 3x Drowned Catacomb
    • 3x Taramorphic Expanse
    • 8x Swamp
    • 8x Island

    Now now, i know what youre thinking.... playing with a planeswalker? for shame!

    im pretty ashamed actually, ive been bitching about them since they first came out

    but as i was pouring over the new type 2 cards when M10 was released i saw the chance to do something i haven't been able to do well in type 2 for some time: make an Underworld Dreams deck.

    Sure Wheel and Deal is out, sure the lack of Psychic Possession makes the deck a tad weaker, yes theres no more Teferi's Puzzlebox awesomeness... but there is this guy...

    Good ol' Jace Beleren.

    that and a few other very cool cards like Sign in Blood make for a (new) one-two punch with the 'Dreams.

    Now if youve ever played a Underworld Dreams deck its pretty simple, get 'Dreams out (fast) and then flood thier hand like theres no tomorrow.

    the Strixes are for chump blocking and stalling, and the counters and bounce are for annoying the living crap out of your opponent.

    what blue does best eh?

    now this is really only how it exists right now, using only Alara block cards and M10 cards (since lolLorwyn/Shadowmoor is leaving type 2 soon) so i hope some more fuel for the fire will be added in the upcomming Zendikar set!

    P.S. YES, i know its 62 cards :p

    P.P.S. Taking advantage of the fact Lorwyn/Shadowmoor cards are still Type 2 im temporarily substituting Cancels for Dream Fractures, more card drawing FTW afterall! (at least til Oct, when Zendikar bumps the Lorwyn block out)

    Monday, August 17, 2009

    District 9

    Well... I saw District 9 on sunday

    and before i tell you what i think i want to tell you that recent years have been sparcely decorated with a handful of sci-fi movies, some of them not even good, some of the lost in the bluster of the starring actors or big hollywood budgets

    i thought District 9 was amazing.

    and before you say "well i thought it was good, But not AMAZING" remember my previous statement.

    Aside from a few other good sci-fi movies District 9 has a feel to it no sci-fi movie has had in almost a generation.

    and it doesnt need big names or actors to do it.

    So go see it, wether youre a sci-fi fan or not you wont be dissapointed, and if its one of your first forays into the genre it will definatly be a good experience for you!

    I give this movie a Cat Food/10 (see the movie and youll understand :p)

    Thursday, August 13, 2009


    Ok kiddos, were gonna talk for a minute about the state of the next generation.

    cause its a bit scary frankly.

    no, im not talking about the way they dress. everyone dresses stupidly in their youth

    case in point:

    its also not their stupidity, i think my generation was plenty stupid before we all grew up and im sure the same can be applied to any generation really.

    hell some generations dont STOP being stupid

    but thats another post entirely.

    what scares me about kids today is the mentality.

    all the ceremony is gone, all the spectacle.

    what really brought this to mind was a blurb post i saw earlier in the day on aolradioblog.com

    [in refrence to the topic: 10 Worst album covers of 2009 (so far)] RogerTea said "Who cares about album covers in this day and age? In this age of downloaded digital music album art is an outdated concept - as is the concept of the album itself."

    now this disturbed me greatly.

    and my reply was this "#19, you officially are the last straw that broke the camel's back, my hope for this new generation.
    your comment is perfectly in line with the thought of shutting down libraries and killing print media. if you would have been alive in an age where there was spectacle in going to the record store, and sitting in your room alone listening to the whole LP while you carefully examined the art and lyrics that accompanied it you would think differently. its called appreciating art, try it some time."

    Now contrary to popular belief, i dont always go flying off the handle and post replies like this.

    it does however scare me, because as this is starting to become the thoughts of a new generation, what other ceremony will be cast aside?

    hell, voting is already a dwindiling past time, as are things like dating.

    yes, dating.

    kids these days... its all about their hooking up, and then one day they will wake up at 30 have no idea what a real relationship is like.

    now i should take this time to mention, im no old fogey, im only 24 and i still find some of this a bit shocking.

    so in closing all i have to say is this:

    heaven forbid we wake up one day, and all the Van Goghs have been replaced by photoshoped images and vectors, all the books replaced by blogs, all the LP's into 99 cent singles, and all the past great mediums of human expression in this world discarded because what is modern is "better" solely because its modern.

    that and:

    am i being rediculous?

    Magic: The Gathering - Jace of Spades

    Excuse the corny name for the deck, i couldn't resist!

    This one, like so many of my other Magic decks is Black/Blue.

    I was still dissapointed overall in the Alara block but i got over it and with the addition of Magic 2010 (the new core set) i have regained some of my faith in this once excellent card game. (more about that in a later post - promise!)

    so without further ado... Jace of Spades!

    Planeswalker - 3
    • 3x Jace Beleren
    Spells - 29
    • 4x Underworld Dreams
    • 4x Sign in Blood
    • 4x Howling Mine
    • 2x Font of Mythos
    • 2x Twincast
    • 3x Cancel
    • 2x Countersquall
    • 2x Soul Manipulation
    • 2x Doom Blade
    • 4X Call to Heel
    Creatures - 8
    • 4x Tidehollow Strix
    • 4x Parasitic Strix
    Lands - 22
    • 3x Drowned Catacomb
    • 3x Taramorphic Expanse
    • 8x Swamp
    • 8x Island

    Now now, i know what youre thinking.... playing with a planeswalker? for shame!

    im pretty ashamed actually, ive been bitching about them since they first came out

    but as i was pouring over the new type 2 cards when M10 was released i saw the chance to do something i haven't been able to do well in type 2 for some time: make an Underworld Dreams deck.

    Sure Wheel and Deal is out, sure the lack of Psychic Possession makes the deck a tad weaker, yes theres no more Teferi's Puzzlebox awesomeness... but there is this guy...

    Good ol' Jace Beleren.

    that and a few other very cool cards like Sign in Blood make for a (new) one-two punch with the 'Dreams.

    Now if youve ever played a Underworld Dreams deck its pretty simple, get 'Dreams out (fast) and then flood thier hand like theres no tomorrow.

    the Strixes are for chump blocking and stalling, and the counters and bounce are for annoying the living crap out of your opponent.

    what blue does best eh?

    now this is really only how it exists right now, using only Alara block cards and M10 cards (since lolLorwyn/Shadowmoor is leaving type 2 soon) so i hope some more fuel for the fire will be added in the upcomming Zendikar set!

    P.S. YES, i know its 62 cards :p

    World of Warcraft TCG - Ueki Dreamstar

    This deck is for the World of Warcraft TCG, a favorite of mine and one i'll get more into in a future post

    The deck is named after my main character in the MMO version, Ueki Dreamstar

    Hero - Moonshadow (Druid/Resto)

    Abilities - 24
    • 2x Bash
    • 2x Aquatic Form
    • 2x Claw
    • 2x Flight Form
    • 4x Swiftshift
    • 3x Utopia
    • 4x Moonfire
    • 2x Tangling Roots
    • 3x Healing Touch
    Equipment - 11
    • 3x Twig of the World Tree
    • 1x Stormrage Cover
    • 2x Bloodsea Brigand's Vest
    • 1x Predatory Gloves
    • 1x Nyn'jah's Tabi Boots
    • 3x Rune of Metamorphosis
    Allies - 14
    • 2x Leeroy Jenkins
    • 2x Envoy Samantha Dillon
    • 4x Savina Greysky
    • 4x Galway Steamwhistle
    • 2x The Abominable Greench
    Quests - 10
    • 1x Relics of the Wakening
    • 1x Crown of the Earth
    • 3x The Ring of Blood : The Blue Brothers
    • 1x The Lexicon Demonica
    • 4x Sunken Treasure
    Locations - 3
    • 3x The Darkmoon Faire

    This ones pretty simple really, build resources then whack away with your big stick and Moonfire!

    Utopia helps you supress your enemy, and build you some resources at the same time. if you feel like your gonna have to use it hold on to your Galway Steamwhistles, and save a Sunken Treasure or two to pull your Twigs back into your hand (after sacking them as a face down resource to a Twig)

    the feral cards are a bit random i know, but i wanted to:

    a) build a deck that plays like i play my character online

    b) show off the versatility of druids, even in the card game.

    this is honestly the deck im most fond of so far in the WoW TCG, no doubt considering its based off of me!

    .hack//ENEMY - Trick or Treat!!

    Now really these next couple posts are for my benefit really

    as you may or may not know i have TONS of cards. like literally, tons

    i wouldnt doubt it if i have 2,000 lbs worth.

    so what i wanted to do was get my decks down someplace so if i mess em up or put them away i can rebuild them.

    this one is from the .hack//ENEMY card game by decipher that was tragically short lived.

    Trick or Treat!!

    PCs - 12
    • 3x Subaru Lv.1
    • 2x Terajima Ryoko Lv.1
    • 4x Benkei Lv.1
    • 3x Crest Lv.1
    Items - 17
    • 3x Hatchet Lv.1
    • 3x Battle Axe Lv.1
    • 4x Midnight Axe Lv.2
    • 3x Darkness Axe Lv.3
    • 4x Plate Armor Lv.1
    Fields - 1
    • 1x Θ Cursed, Despaired, Paradise

    Monsters - 30
    • 4x Halloween
    • 3x Noisy Wisp
    • 4x Ectoplasm
    • 2x Red Scissors
    • 2x Squilla Demon
    • 1x Mantis
    • 1x Crab Turtle
    • 2x Scorpion Brigade
    • 4x Scorpion Attack
    • 3x Snip Snap Brigade
    • 4x Monkey Crab
    How its works is you spend a couple turns building up your bad ass Heavy Axes. after that you throw them to the wolves and store, store, store your Darkness monsters. throw in the playing of a couple of your non essential Water monsters as face down cards and the real fun begins. you sic your Halloween on your opponent giving him enough other creatures to be quite tied up and when his reward comes around, you discard either Red Scissors or Squilla Demon from your hand, this allows you to sneak in extra victory points for a quick, descisive win.

    Now the deck isnt nessesarily complete.

    it definatly needs more Crab Tutles, Red Scissors, Squilla Demon, and maybe another Mantis for good measure.

    maybe one more Terajima Ryoko, but i wouldnt know what PC to substitute it for.

    the weapons in addition to helping your Heavy Axes fend off your opponent also help you spot Darkness for Halloween. make sure to save a Plate Armor and Darkness/Midnight Ax for Terajima to help you spot that 6 Darkness a turn or two sooner.

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    NXE Newness!

    Well hello there....

    what? you say you notice something different?
    Yup that new fangled xbox live update hit adding new awesomeness to the world of xbox live.

    new is the avatar marketplace, where you can buy anything from the most useless avatar items, to some of the coolest stuff ever.

    and dont worry theyre still comming out with more free stuff, all this stuff to buy is liscenced (hense having to charge for it)

    so far are pirate costumes from Sid Meyer's Escape from Monkey Island, apparel and clothes based on Halo 3, a UNSC marine costume and more apperal for Halo: ODST, Gears of War 2 outfits and clothes, and also lightsabers and jedi outfits from Star Wars: Clone Wars.

    they also have actual branded apperal, stuff like adidas and tokidoki but it seems kinda tame when you can wear clone trooper armor

    aside from that you can now update your netflix watch it now que from your xbox, watch videos and chat with other xbox 360 netflix users in an xbox live party, and see what netflix videos the people on your friends list are watching.

    theyve also added some technical features like a "progressive scan"-like option that formats your video settings based on a scan of your tv automatically.

    and probably one of the coolest additions is that of the full game download station.

    no, were not talking about arcade games

    no, were not even talking about xbox originals

    were talking full Xbox 360 games you can download and play straight from your hard drive! sure, its gonna make us all lazy ass bastards but hey, its still a damn cool thing!

    Wednesday, July 8, 2009

    VS! bout one: FFXI Vs. WoW

    Now this is a good one, IMO at least. a battle between the 2 heavy hitters of the MMO world.

    sure theres also Everquest, LotRO, City of ____, Tabula Rasa, and countless shitty free MMOs, but come on, those get about as much action as a transvestite hooker with elephantitus.

    So let us examine the epic struggle between:

    Round one: Depth
    well, ok as far as depth i really mean how intricate are the mechanics of the gaming world in which you play, on one hand you have WoW. theres not much to say, probably the deepest feature in WoW is the ability to jump, swim, dive and even fly in certain areas. then you have FFXI... every zone has its own flora/fauna eco system, there is a working calendar, clock, and day/night changes, elemental correlation charts and constellations that actually affect gameplay.... *whew* top it all off with the ability to use all of these things to your advantage while doing nearly anything in the game and its pretty clear...
    Winner: FFXI

    Round two: Casual Gamer
    This is a bit of a turn around from the last round. FFXI up until about a year ago would have lost this round in a heartbeat. the game is simply designed around parties of multiple players, that in most instances have to be well balanced to work. recently theyve added Besieged, Fields of Valor and Campaigns as a way to help people trying to play casually. FFXI still has a long way to go to match WoW though, since nearly anything not considered endgame is soloable. they even allow players who dont play as often earn extra exp to catch up to friends via the "rested" mechanic.
    Winner: WoW

    Round three: Customization
    a close one, WoW lets you customize just about everything, with a wide variety of UI's (user interfaces), facial/hair customizations and, and even the ability to set your job apart by spending Talent Points, very few in a certain job class are alike, let alone characters themselves. not to be outclassed, FFXI has the merit point system, at its best its a great way to make youself more skilled in particular fields your job encompasses but at its worst can have "choices" that are more similar to: "Hmm do i pick between being shot in the foot, or stabbed in the hand?" certain jobs merit point customizations are next to useless, and some are even detrimental to the idea of the jobs they are supposed to define. thankfully the Sub Job system is without real flaw, and the pairing of a main job with different sub jobs can alter the role of a job significantly in many cases. that and the recent addition to FFXI, "Augmented" armor/items helps diversify the game a bit, but considering WoW has had that the whole time, its safe to say they cancel each other out.
    Winner: WoW (narrowly)

    Round four: Lore/Atmosphere
    This one is closer than you might think. WoW seems the obvious choice due to the massive amounts of Lore and History from the Warcraft series thats snowballed from game to game, and dozens of recognizable property-spanning characters but dont count out FFXI just yet. For one travelling and map set up in WoW are incredible, since there is usually no loading or zoning while travelling anywhere on the same continent the world seems much more vast, you know how areas connect and you can see the landscape change even while simply flying over the areas via flight masters. this adds some real solidity to the world youre playing in, making it seem more real. and while there are alot of positives WoW also is its own worst enemy. Its rife with pop culture references. Avenger's Shield, The quest "The Kessel Run", and NPCs like Harrison Jones Sween Netodd, and an entire section of an instance a mock up of a famous scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, the game does alot to ruin its own sense of reality by breaking fourth wall more times than you can shake a stick at. FFXI on the opposite end has done quite alot to ensure as few referances to our world as possible. while references to pop culture do exist, theyre usually so obscure they have to be researched in order to fully understand. also to FFXI's credit, although they dont carry over any lore or history from previous Final Fantasy games (save from job classes, Cid (who is always a different character anyways) and various monsters/critters) they have done alot to expand the all new characters through questions and the various numerous missions you can complete in the game. both games still have to deal with noobs screaming quotes from naruto or 300 though, of course!
    Winner: Tie!

    Round five: Merchandising
    Unfortunatly this is unfairly one-sided. WoW has a Card Game (which i love, i think it was given great planning and R&D), countless brand tie-ins (including the best soda EVER), action figures, comic books, liscenced apperal (including customized guild shirts and hats!), a minitures game, board games, RPG books, plushies, even the ability to get a custom laser cut statue of your in game character! Hell i even had a free track download for Guitar Hero 3 thats a World of Warcraft band (L70 Tuaren Shaman)! what does FFXI have? a handful of t-shirts, some plushies, some very expensive jewelry and statue of the games angriest Galka....
    Winner: WoW

    Round six: Play Range
    How do i love thee? let me count the ways! this section is about all the different ways to love to play your game, and the different ways the game keeps you interested (and subscribed). WoW has a decent ammount. they have multiple PvP formats that are all fun, Instances, Raids, normal grinding, questing, and special seasonal events. FFXI on the other hand has normal grinding, Fields of Valor, Campaign, Campaign Ops, Besieged, Assualts, Salvage, Limbus, Dynamis, Einherjar, BCNMs, ENMs, CNMs, ZNMs, HNMs, Gods/Sky, Sea, Garrison, Moblin Maze Mongers, seasonal and holiday events, tons of missions (and i do mean tons), questing, and 2 PvP formats no one really gives a damn about! did someone say knock-out?
    Winner: FFXI


    And now.... the winner by knock-out... FFXI!

    *More fanfare*

    now this is the part where i say just weigh in your own judgement and the things that mean the most to you in an MMO experience. that and the part where i turn the mic over to a drunk Larry Merchant for post fight interviews!

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    AAR 8

    performing Gives You Hell (its their on-tour back-up guitarist, i thought id give him some spotlight for being an unsung hero!)

    thus concludes my posting in real time from the concert, give me a couple days and ill get a slide show up of the rest of the pics i have

    AAR 7

    performing Move Along

    AAR 6

    performing It Ends Tonight

    Tyson actually said before they started playing this song that a friend of his (namely their sound tech at the concert) and a rough patch they got into once.

    in his words "This song is about having a friend and literally wanting to smother him in his sleep!"


    AAR 5

    performing Mona Lisa (When the World Comes Down)

    before starting the song he actually asked for girls to volunteer to dance with him during the song ("Please no 14 year olds, this statutory rape shit makes me uncomfortable")

    the lucky girl is Celina, and from the looks of it may have just narrowly escaped Tyson's no 14-year olds clause!

    AAR 4

    performing Swing, Swing

    AAR 3

    performing Believe

    AAR 2

    performing Dirty Little Secret

    AAR 1

    starting the show off with I Wanna, the first song of their newest CD "When the World Comes Down"

    AAR Insanity!

    Writting from the AAR/Shiny Toy Guns concert

    holy shit is it packed

    AAR is next but above (sorry for poor quality) is a surprise performance by none other than Rob Thomas! (no shit!)

    thats Shiny Toy Guns playing 3 a.m. with him singing!

    woot! what a bonus!

    Thursday, April 30, 2009

    one more time! lets try and see if this works eh?
    - AbsoluteZERO

    Wednesday, April 8, 2009

    J-Pop Invasion Desu Ka!?

    Well its a gosh darn Japanese invasion we got on our hands!

    and i couldnt be more happy!

    first off we have the second foray into the american music arena by Utada Hikaru, or as her loyal fans know her, Hikki

    her first american album (circa 2003) was met with... risistance... even from loyal fans

    the album itself was very experimental and i definatly think that her albu. producers at the time didnt take it very seriously

    even timbaland who was credited as a producer threw her a pretty whack beat

    she coulda done better by herself, and well, she did

    her second release is not only what her first shouldve been but it holds its own against even her best work from japan

    the second is a first american release for the now officially fluent tri-lingual J and K-pop singer BoA (Kwon)

    selt titled, BoA is another great album, and i will venture to say should find its way into american hearts and mp3s players very easily

    ive listened to it about 5 times through today and i can say with no b

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    Sunday, March 29, 2009

    OH YEAH!

    We all remember this guy! for something like 40 years (im just guessing)  hes been a pretty big part of american culture

    to hell with Tang, Sunny D can go suck an egg, and Hawaiian punch can stay on the island for all i care, i was raised with this stuff ever since i was a little kid

    even today you can find some of this stuff in my fridge

    and of course everyone knows the best part about it was the points.

    unfortunatly the kool-aid points order forms started becoming harder to find, they used to be in the grocery stores but became scarce.

    then about 5 years ago i stopped being able to find them all together. 

    so that left me and my family who had saved our kool-aid points for the better part of 20 years (not joking) and all of a sudden we had nothing to do with them.

    it was a blow to the spirit

    for 5 years i cursed them, encouraging me to be more of a pack rat and now, having nothing to gain for my meticulous snipping and saving of thousands of tiny squares.

    well i may have spoke too soon and at the request of my mom i looked on the internet. 

    (why didnt that occur to me earlier >.>)

    i found this:

    i am so glad they are still doing this! 

    i guess this means i gotta take back all the bad things i said about them for no longer featuring the kool-aid point redemption thing

    so i guess i can really only express my relief and hapiness in one way, a bellowing OH YEAH! and a cold tall glass of Kool-Aid! (black cherry ftw!)

    Friday, March 27, 2009


    Ok well i havent been playing Magic:tG for awhile and i decided to wait for the lorwyn block to move out of tournys 

    but since theyre on the shards block i figure i might as well build up some cards while waiting
    so as per the usual i bought myself a fat pack to sample the set

    this has always been a good idea because for 25-30 bucks you can get some packs, some storage boxes, the new magic novel, a 20 sided die, some card organizers, and most importantly a little booklet that shows all the cards in the set

    its an invaluable deck building resource in hardcopy

    well so anwyays i bought a Conflux fat pack and cracked it open

    immediatly i notice somethings amiss

    where there should have been 2 boxes there was only 1

    not to mention there were no card index tab things

    and where there should have been a book there was a sample chapter

    oh, but there were 2 more packs than normal

    so ok correct me if im wrong here but if i wanted more packs doesnt it make sense to buy packs?

    but im not buying packs

    im buying a fat pack

    if i wanted more cards for my money id've just bought packs in the first place!

    so yeah needless to say i was a little dissapointed.

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    One Righteous Song

    i've long said that RHCP were awesome, and this song is by no means new to me, but listening to it again for the first time in awhile has made me remember just how awesome this song is, as is the whole album.

    just thought i'd mention that >.>

    Monday, March 2, 2009

    Viewer Discretion Advised

    well we threw dude a early surprise birthday party on saturday

    herein lies the true account of the events that occured

    of course we spent all day sat running around like chickens with our heads cut off

    juli and i, i mean

    the cake itself (pic so very related) took alot longer than juli expected

    she baked at my parents house, who thought it was a riot, and oddly enough everyone got involved

    i mean everyone, the skin colored frosting was courtesy of one of josh's friends who happens to be an artist as i understand

    everyone else helped prepare it in someway he loved the cake and after egging him on he even motorboated it lol

    a good time was had by all and apart from me realizing i had left my 12 pack of Mountain Dew Voltage in the shopping cart at target it was a good night

    then around midnight the blackout happened

    pretty much any resident of el paso knows what im talking about

    the whole eastside which is the cities second largest area was entirely blacked out
    for us, it lasted about 3 hours

    we had fun though, we hung out and chatted by candal light for 3 hours before finally deciding to pack it up and head home

    at first the street lights and traffic lights were actually off but then they were starting to be switched on, one by one as we were driving home

    pretty soon they were all on and power was restored to our apt by the time we got home.

    all in all a good day

    i still miss those Mountain Dews though >.>

    Friday, February 27, 2009

    More things i wont be getting...

    Well lookie here. isnt this just fancy?

    its an extended art promo card based on the character Rehgar from the WildStorm World of Warcraft comics illustrated by Jim Lee, one of todays top 5 best comic book illustrators (still always second to the late, great Michael Turner though)

    it and several other very cool promos from the upcomming WoW TCG expansion Blood of Gladiators will never see my hands

    why? because El Paso isnt the best city for hobby gaming, thats why

    it used to be that a big city meant more gamers but apparently mexicans arent big on card games

    in fact most of my ita's business (at Sunrise Games and Comics) comes from soldiers at Fort Bliss
    what hobby gamers i do see either play Magic or some kind of tabletop miniatures game like Warhammer or Heroclix

    i hold out hope that one day we can actually have events for other games too, the WoW TCG is actually very cool in tournament format and Decipher's new tcg, Fight Klub is coming out soon so i really hope to see some organized play for that

    heres to hoping eh?

    well just to round off the day heres some more of those ultra pretty cards i wont be getting XD