Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Like Christmas... in November....

Today is a good day.

No seriously, as far as days go there will probably be only 3 others this year that will that have been/will be better.

one is Christmas, what? i love presents.

another will be my birthday... once again... presents, awesome.

and of course, the most shining day this year will be my wedding day, (not that its why it will be awesome, but coincidently will be another present giving occasion...)

but today ranks firmly on the 4th most awesome day of the year award. why?

presents, of course!

Today marks the release of not one, not two, but THREE awesome things.

  1. Left 4 Dead 2
  2. Assassin's Creed II
  3. Star Trek on DVD&Blu-Ray
What makes today so awesome is that i will have (sorta) all three today!

My lovely soon-to-be bride bought Left 4 Dead 2 and we decided to go at midnight to go pick it up. while there we saw all the lovely Assassin's Creed II boxes, and because she is quite literally the most awesome female in the world, she basically bought me Assassin's Creed II there to pick up at midnight. (see now why my wedding day is going to be so awesome, i get to MARRY her!)

so at midnight we picked 2 of the biggest game releases of the year!

and of course Star Trek will be waiting at home thanks to my wonderful mother!

and on a sort-of-completely unrelated note, c'mon people, stop decorating for Christmas, its not even thanksgiving. Pilgrims everywhere are calling bullshit on Jesus and Santa for encroaching on their only 15 minutes of fame

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