Friday, March 27, 2009


Ok well i havent been playing Magic:tG for awhile and i decided to wait for the lorwyn block to move out of tournys 

but since theyre on the shards block i figure i might as well build up some cards while waiting
so as per the usual i bought myself a fat pack to sample the set

this has always been a good idea because for 25-30 bucks you can get some packs, some storage boxes, the new magic novel, a 20 sided die, some card organizers, and most importantly a little booklet that shows all the cards in the set

its an invaluable deck building resource in hardcopy

well so anwyays i bought a Conflux fat pack and cracked it open

immediatly i notice somethings amiss

where there should have been 2 boxes there was only 1

not to mention there were no card index tab things

and where there should have been a book there was a sample chapter

oh, but there were 2 more packs than normal

so ok correct me if im wrong here but if i wanted more packs doesnt it make sense to buy packs?

but im not buying packs

im buying a fat pack

if i wanted more cards for my money id've just bought packs in the first place!

so yeah needless to say i was a little dissapointed.

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