Monday, August 17, 2009

District 9

Well... I saw District 9 on sunday

and before i tell you what i think i want to tell you that recent years have been sparcely decorated with a handful of sci-fi movies, some of them not even good, some of the lost in the bluster of the starring actors or big hollywood budgets

i thought District 9 was amazing.

and before you say "well i thought it was good, But not AMAZING" remember my previous statement.

Aside from a few other good sci-fi movies District 9 has a feel to it no sci-fi movie has had in almost a generation.

and it doesnt need big names or actors to do it.

So go see it, wether youre a sci-fi fan or not you wont be dissapointed, and if its one of your first forays into the genre it will definatly be a good experience for you!

I give this movie a Cat Food/10 (see the movie and youll understand :p)

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