Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I know, i know its been like FOREVER since i posted anything FFXI related.

what can i say, i was going through a non-FFXI phase or something

in any case i'm back now and ill prolly play a couple times a week (more than the once a week, if even, i was playing before lol)

and because im Corsair is very well merrited at this point i thought i would take some time off from that and level another job i like: Scholar

yessum, its no wonder what the people at the Square-Enix design team were thinking when they designed the AF for this job...

in any case i got it from 27 to 29 yesterday night in a LS low level manaburn that was simply awesome, we were taking IT mandies in Yhoater Jungle with 4 Black Mages, me (SCH/BLM), and a Bard.

and when 2 of us had to leave we moved back to Yuhntunga and took gobbies with just us 4

of course im a little over 1k tnl and i think im going to solo some worms in Qufim tonight so i can round myself off to 30 and get Addendum: Black! (hurray for having a sleep spell finally!)

which brings me to a point... i'll need spells.

the only other traditional mage jobs i have are WHM at 59, BLM at 17, and RDM at 25.

I'm covered for awhile on white magic... but as you can imagine im a bit lacking in the black magic department.

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