Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The odyssey begins, a Ragnarok Odyssey unboxing!

It's so secret I've been looking forward to this title. My incessant blabbering is probably bordering on unprofessional considering I'm reviewing the game, but welp, I don't care. I did pick up my personal copy of this game yesterday, the swanky Mercenary Edition no less.

Ooooh shiny! Let's have a look see at what's inside shall we?

First off here is the actual game. Less shiny but hey, it'll look good in my current collection of Vita games.

Next we have the game's soundtrack. There is 32 songs on it, all composed by Kumi Tanioka. I mentioned before she also composed many songs for Final Fantasy XI, which I played for nearly 9 years. I still do occasionally, but that's beside the point.

Now we have the mercenary guide. This this is actually pretty beefy at 96 pages. You could really consider it an "essentials" strategy guide. It has the 6 character classes with their combos detailed, a boss bestiary, a card catalog, area maps, and a great section on the combat and various elements to gameplay. It's nice and filled with a lot of pretty pictures as well so yay :)

And last but certainly not we have the cards! I would be lying through crooked teeth if I said the fact this game came with cards didn't influence my decision to buy this. There are 56 in total, each a replica of the cards you get in game to customize your equipment. There is even some info on the monster and what they drop on the back. You get 10 random ones in the Merc. Edition and I really have no idea on how to get more, but I sure as hell want to!

Well here is one last look at the whole shebang, hope you enjoyed!

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