Thursday, November 1, 2012

Boogie on down! 8bitfix Review: Orgarhythm

Troll box art is successful!
Another one bite's the dust! This time it's XSEED's groovy RTS/Rhythm hybrid, Orgarhythm for PlayStation Vita. Not really one for rhythm games myself (though Theatrhythm may have changed that a little) I was pretty intrigued what this would play like. Would it be more RTS than rhythm, or vice versa? In the end, just like a two piece harmony, there was a perfect blending of the two. The only thing holding this title back from being that new refreshing Vita entry is the fact that most people won't stop to give a strange title like this a try. It's a shame, but I'm under no illusions about the mentality of the majority demographic of gamers today. Well it is what it is, but anyone daring enough to risk a try at this $30 PSN only Vita title just might be rewarded with something truly special :)

Anyways here's the link: 8bitfix review: Orgarhythm

Oh, and a snippet, as always!
"Orgarhythm is actually very simple to describe, but difficult to convey the true experience. Here I go anyways. The game is equal parts rhythm and equal parts strategy. In order to properly dispatch troops you need to tap the screen to the beat. One tap on the God of Light, another to select which elemental trooper to use, and a third to select which type of attack they will perform. Then all you have to do is tap the screen, or tap and drag to send a certain number to a specified location on the map. As you continue to successfully tap, the "voltage level" will rise, powering up your troops, and allowing you to have more of them. See not hard to describe at all, but the game sounds plain. I assure you it isn't. There is a sort of excitement to the game you can't really appreciate until you try it. Something about how the music amplifies your drive to attack, and attacking continues to build your combo and voltage level; it's a cyclical excitement that builds with the better you are doing. Not to mention there are no technical difficulties whatsoever with tapping. The game runs smooth, almost surprisingly so when you have 48 of your own troopers heading out amidst a sea of enemies equal in number! It is absolutely essential rhythm games always run smoothly, and for one that incorporates RTS elements this is doubly so."

Say it with me... "Colors, Colors!"

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