Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh my glob you guys, this collector's edition is so math!

In addition to Persona 4: Golden I also picked up Jet Set Radio on my Vita, and also Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! Enchiridion Collector's Edition for 3DS.

Yes that is the full title. Yes this is real life.

I kinda chickened out on an unboxing video for this one after I found out my laptop's crappy built in webcam makes me look like a muppet. In the interest of still showing you all how awesome it is though, I'll post some pictures I took.

The outside cover is really just a protector for the steelbook underneath. The whole thing is stylized to look like Finn's Enchiridion, the book that teaches would be heroes how to save princesses and apparently also how to kiss them. I love the tie-in to the game, but the paint they used on the steelbook seems weak. A couple spots have been scratched off by the cardboard cover that is supposed to be protecting it so be warned if you pick this up... keep it well protected.

What's inside you ask? Well here ya go. We have a Finn's gold sword replica stylus, the Book of Beasts strategy guide thingy, a map of Ooo and the game itself.

The map of Ooo looks like it only covers the areas in the game as the Fire Kingdom and Nightosphere don't seem to be anywhere on the map. It is also printed on normal paper, which bums me out. I know, it seems dumb for that to bother me, but well I love me some nice maps. The Gamestop preorder map for Skyrim was on some parchment-like paper which game it an awesome texture and feel, and I have several other maps (like for Lunar: SSS) that are cloth. Again, I know it's silly but I love me a nice map.

Then there's the Book of Beasts. This one is actually pretty functional. It seems to have a list of every monster in the game, divided by region, with their HPs listed. It's worth noting even boss enemies appear in here, and not that the name isn't already an indicator, but if you didn't want to spoil anything for yourself you might want to limit yourself to it page by page.

Not currently pictured in its entirety is Finn's gold sword stylus. This is probably the coolest thing next to the steelbook case. It's functional and actually really great as a stylus. It's far more substantial than the telescoping stylus that comes with the 3DS and it feels a lot nicer in your hands. It's pretty solid too, which is a huge plus. I don't feel like I'll break it at all, though just like with the steelbook, the black paint on the hilt and pommel of the sword feels like it might scratch off easily. So take your chances there. You don't really need a stylus so much for the game itself, but I do plan to use it when I play Theatrhythm or Kid Icarus since hand cramps can easily set in on those.

Well there you have it, all this glory for $40 is not bad if I do say so myself, even if the paint seems to be kind of cheap. Needless to say any fan of Adventure Time will take adequate care of it and it is really geared towards them anyways.

I'll let you guys know how the game is once I'm done being totally addicted to P4G!

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