Wednesday, October 10, 2012

GET-tastic Tuesday!

Boo yeah! Yesterday was a GET-tastic Tuesday if I do myself. Not even counting Pokemon Black 2 I picked up on Sunday, yesterday's fine acquisitions come in the form of Atlus's Code of Princess for 3DS and the Prometheus Blu-Ray.

And though they were free, I was also able to pick up my Commendation and Victory packs and the Retaliation multiplayer DLC for Mass Effect 3. VOLUS there's even VOLUS a couple Volus (VOLUS) characters to VOLUS unlock now! VOLUS! Ok, enough with the volus (VOLUS!) I promise. It is pretty epic though. I didn't get to play Mass Effect 3 at all yesterday but I'll try to get a couple games in on the weekend if I finish my review for Code of Princess.

Oh yeah I should do some sort of impressions on that shouldn't I?

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