Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's raining fuel, hallelujah!

I finished my review for the PlayStation Mobile game Fuel Tiracas. In short this game is a must. It's simple yet  challenging. It's such a great buy too... at only 49 cents. Crazy, I know. Anyways here is the link to my review on 8bitfix and a small quote from it to wet your appetite.

8bitfix Review: Fuel Tiracas

"When you think of space, and colonizing space, it's hard not to imagine that an incredibly small number of planets are even habitable. Terraforming is a popular science fiction solution to adapting a planet to our needs, and this is your mission in Fuel Tiracas. The uninhabitable planet before you will change before your eyes as you power up the sites releasing that oh-so-specific cocktail of various elements into the air, growing an atmosphere. Aside from this basic premise there isn't much else to Fuel Tiracas except the addicting gameplay. Knowing that it was inspired in part by a certain android from Aliens really does begin to explain some of the design though. That scene, you know the one. Yeah, that one. It's like the guys at Futurlab said "Hey, this is awesome. Let's make a game like this!" and the rest is history. When people inject things they love into a game, it's easy to see that love in the final product. That's the real story behind Fuel Tiracas." - me, in my review.

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