Thursday, October 18, 2012

Code of scantly clad women?

convenient logo placement...
Well it is done, Code of Princess review is nice and live. I felt I almost tripped over myself on this one. Let it be know, that I, WildCardCorsair may have rushed through this one a little. After a little quiet contemplation and otherwise general tomfoolery I was finally able to score this game. So that's why this took so long. Not that you guys were keeping track... were you? Anyways what we have here is a side scrolling brawl fest ala Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, etc but with a heavy RPG element to it. I'll explain it all in the review but for now just know that this is really a niche title. I mean you really have to think you'll like it or else you won't stand a chance.

Anyways here is the review: 8bitfix Review: Code of Princess

And if you wanted it... here's a tiny snippet:
"The story in Code of Princess is pretty laughable. It’s there, and time was spent on it, but it's cliché at best, and full of holes at worst. So many increasingly important facts are thrown at you out of left field, leaving you to wonder if the team at Agatsuma even expected people to pay attention. Even the characters are painfully clichéd, such as the scantily clad yet pious princess, the thief with the heart of gold, the soft spoken samurai looking for love, and the strong silent bruiser with a soft spot for cure animals. Yup you've seen everything here before but what makes this pill easier to swallow is that the game never takes itself too seriously. The characters and situations are tongue-in-cheek 4th-wall-breaking comedy gold at times. So if you were looking for some kind of deep introspective tale of epic proportions you won't find it here. If you don't mind humor in your Action-RPG/Brawler then you won't have any problems here."

not a zombie!!

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