Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The House Bunny

Well if anything theres a few good labor day past times... no working is not one of them.


who made that up anyways.

the last thing i want to do on a paid holiday is pull weeds out of my front lawn.

thankfully i don't have a lawn anymore so i don't have to worry about that.

anyways Labor Day past times, yes you can barbeque... but frankly there are too many bugs and grilling is too much work, so that leaves movies!

and because i was going to have a very hard time convincing Juli to go see The Dark Knight with me for the 4th time we saw this instead:

Yes, The House Bunny. now before you hurl assorted gay jokes at me first let me say. there was alot of clevage in it. clevage is good yes?

ok, now that thats out of the way let me tell you what i think.

remember ana farris from scary movie? from scary movie 2 and possibly 3 & 4? (i dont know i stopped watching after 2)

this is basically the same character. i mean its not like Ana Farris plays characters like this.... riiiiiiiight.

but hey do what youre good at, and Ana Farris is pretty hilarious.

also funny is Kat Dennings and Emma Stone.

Don't know who they are?

you do, you just don't know thier names.

Kat is Kathrine Keener's daughter from 40 yr old virgin and Emma Stone is Jules from Superbad.

It also has Kathrine mcPhee whom Juli tells me is an american idol, Tyson Ritter lead singer for the All American Rejects, Rumer Willis (Bruce's and Demi's daughter), and a bunch of other semi-famous people. kinda too many to keep track of.

its basically one of those ugly duckling stories that isnt entirely original but you forgive because

a) its funny

b) its funny?

well as Juli would say, "it was a cute movie" "cute" isnt a guy word so i can't use it :p

yes there were some very very cheesy parts. but they are thankfully overshadowed by the actually funny parts.

did i mention it was funny?

well thats about all i can really say it was entertaining, not a waste of money which is more than i can say for alot of the other movies out there

*cough disastermovie cough*

in summation: The House Bunny: Not a waste of time or money!

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