Tuesday, September 9, 2008

...and then there was VERSION UPDATE!

Ok, i know this isnt news for any of you FFXI players.. but wow, i still feel the need to reitterate.

you know... just in case.

seriously, its that big.

First off theres this nifty thing:


i like it, i love it, i want some more of it. (god i just quoted a country song didnt it? please shoot me)

anyways so yes, ive actually experimented with this. and for those of you that don't know it lets anyone of a higher level join your party and cap themselves to gain the same EXP.

now i know what youre sayin... "but what about all my gear whaaaa~"

never fear!!! you can wear the same armor, they scale its attributes down proportionate to your level. 

now that means your Hauby wont be as badass at level 10, in fact itll be just a heap of metal on your chest, but youd be surprised how well some peices keep thier attributes. 

My buddy shadowwind partied with me and other members of my LS in Yhoater jungle, level 29 sync party, and he still had more INT from his reg gear (black cotahardie etc) than from any equip unsynced at that level.

in fact, i myself have noticed i get to keep quite a bit of acc bonuses from my equip when i Sync.

EXP? its exactly the same as if you WERE that level. 

Can you merit? yes. i have, like 5 merits total even. 

its GENIUS, seriously. this about sums it up:

Other than that we also have... RELIC!!!! $@#%ING FINALLY! ive run COR ever since the ToAU expansion first day and ive been waiting for this for a very long time.

oh yeah and BLU and PUP get some too >.>

also win: Mythic Weapons.

because who doesnt want to point a smaller version of a ship's cannon at his enemy and blow thier face off <3<3<3

(im really happy about that one!)

and accordingly theyve also made Nyzul a little easier.

more quests

more campaign shiz

more WotG missions.

seriously this was a damn good one guys, bravo

just bravo!

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