Friday, September 26, 2008

And This!

I just found this actually. well, i was reminded of it by my GF.

this is a video recorded by a friend that shows me and my LS doing a promyvion boss fight.

nice little trip down memory lane.

The video features me on my most underused job these days... SMN

my GF Lostris on PLD

Zoushuuwai on something. good friend of mine and member of my LS

Flarestrike on WHM i believe, hilarious guy, friend, and LS mate

Moritsune on something, another good friend and LS mate

and Invader, not actually from my LS but a friend none the less

I have another one thats Lostris, Zou, Me and a guy named Miakis doing the 3 Antican BCNM ZM mission....

that ones actually exciting and cool. lol 

i gotta find that one >.>


Anonymous said...

Theres actually no video to our ant fight.
I was too busy trying to stay alive to record...and I only got the tail end of the fight.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Im actually on WAR... War/Nin