Thursday, September 18, 2008

Avast! pt 2

Its been a big week.... lol

first off...

yup, ding 75 COR. finally got it.

im pretty damn happy.

it took what? 5 years to get a job to 75?

dont look at me >.>

well if that wasnt enough i have some other fabulous news! 


hell yeah booooyeeee. my first relic gears.

all post update huh? yeah this thing is nice.

its no Skadi gloves. but damn are they handy.

and the next run what should drop?

yeeeeaaaaahhhhh bboooooyeeeee. thats right

Commodore Frac.
yep. im starting to show just how leet i am

in 2/5 on newly added COR relic i am proud to say, only a week from each other and i have a shot at tricorne this wednesday to boot.

after awhile ill be all hardcore like this:

only instead of reg AF itll be this:

heheh. yup. 

thats how hard i rock

other things of note:

ive merited Snake Eye

ive merited Fold

I did my Detonator WSNM

and im now after a Joyeuse to go with my pretty new shirt.

all in all its been a badass 2 weeks.

so.... i just have to say it.... Gyar!!!

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