Monday, September 8, 2008

Gurren Lagann

Well lets talk anime. now generally i'm a fan.

at least i was.

then they started making crap.

come on, deathnote? what is that seriously.

the most interesting deathnote thing ive seen was the spongebob deathnote thing.

that was hilarious.

anyways back to anime.

i guess you could say i started to lose faith, nothing looked appealing. i couldnt find a single new title after ergo proxy and law of ueki i could actually get into

(that oughtta show you im not too picky really)

then i saw this:

I had heard of it before. bascially off VGcats and a few other sites that do parodys.

then i saw the back.

from the makers of Neon Genesis Evangelion and FLCL.


i love those two animes. who doesnt?

what you dont?

stop reading.

get out.

no really get out.

*ahem* now lets continue.

the thing was a double disc containing 8 episodes (value!) but i only got to see the first 3.

that actually a pretty good judging point. so basically if you don't like it after the first 3 episodes then you can successfully say you tried.

not that you'd need to try to hard, once you get past the first episode the animes a blast.

i would say... a good blend of rediculousity and hilarousness.

yes i know those aren't actually words.

thats why they work so well, because this anime is also crazy.

its a fast paced mech anime that makes fun of itself.

it takes place in a world in which people live in undergound hovels theyve built themselves into. the surface is forgotten and people act like Shia Le Bouf's character in holes.

(no they dont crash after having had one too many, although on that angle drunk mech opperators would be a great anime plot!!)

along comes evil monster that crashes in and self-doubting shinji boy uses a little tiny big-headed robot to fend it off and save his village.

on the outside he finds fuzzy star wars critter rip offs and more evil mecha than you can shake a test-type EVA at.

and Kamiya is great.

(you'll love Kamiya)

you'll also love her.

Yep, no Gainax creation would be complete without some fanservice running around throwing her gravity defying boobs around in the main character's face.

so seriously, do i need to say more?

im kinda wondering at this point.

why aren't you checking this out yet?

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