Friday, September 26, 2008

Jack Thompson is so disbarred!! Finally!

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he couldn't even get a free trial from AOL.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred that he can't use free weights.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even call a Jehovah's Witness.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he has to stay a hundred yards from jude Law.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even cross examine himself.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even approach the park bench.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even get a case at Costco.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, even his kids can't have recess.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, even the Republican party thinks he's a failure.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, ambulances are chasing HIM!

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, now he CAN handle the truth.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he got kicked out of a food court.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he had to switch to boxer shorts.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even habeus his own corpus.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even file briefs in his underwear drawer.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't appeal potatoes.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he has to pour all his own drinks.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he'll have to hire a lawyer to sue me for libel.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, all his doubts must now be unreasonable.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he'll never do another chin up.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred that his friends won't even break him off a piece of their Kit Kat.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even hear testimony in a Southern Baptist Megachurch.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he has to just swing on monkeys.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he's only permitted to use pie charts.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even practice the law of gravity.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even write on legal pads.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can only watch the first half of SVU.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, his porn magazines are just called "Barely."

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even use legal tender.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, there's an injunction against "Jack Thompson walks into a bar" jokes.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even file his nails.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he cant lower the bar any further.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even play basketball because it's on a court!

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney and Harvey Birdman have more cases.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even star in mean lawyer jokes anymore.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can only buy soap in liquid form.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred that when he plays tennis they hold him in contempt of court.

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