Saturday, September 27, 2008

Were not in Kansas anymore Toto.

well were off to Toto's Burger Barn.

never been there but i hear good thing

im also updating from my phone.

yes i rock that much

anyways im mostly just testing this out.

shout out to skull-ito.

ill be on tomorrow bud ive been busy w/ stuff XD

well i have... nothing elso to say so... see ya!

edit: Apparently its TORO's burger BAR...

i sure fucked up that name lmao. 

this also fucks up my Wizard of Oz referance... damn.

burgers were FUCKING DELISH though!

total orgasm im mouth. i high recomend the American Kobe, was 100% american grass fed wagyu beef.

im totally serious. best meat ive ever had, and ive had some awesome ribs and succelent brisket and flavorful NY strip..... but this takes the cake!

Friday, September 26, 2008

And This!

I just found this actually. well, i was reminded of it by my GF.

this is a video recorded by a friend that shows me and my LS doing a promyvion boss fight.

nice little trip down memory lane.

The video features me on my most underused job these days... SMN

my GF Lostris on PLD

Zoushuuwai on something. good friend of mine and member of my LS

Flarestrike on WHM i believe, hilarious guy, friend, and LS mate

Moritsune on something, another good friend and LS mate

and Invader, not actually from my LS but a friend none the less

I have another one thats Lostris, Zou, Me and a guy named Miakis doing the 3 Antican BCNM ZM mission....

that ones actually exciting and cool. lol 

i gotta find that one >.>

Jack Thompson is so disbarred!! Finally!

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he couldn't even get a free trial from AOL.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred that he can't use free weights.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even call a Jehovah's Witness.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he has to stay a hundred yards from jude Law.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even cross examine himself.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even approach the park bench.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even get a case at Costco.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, even his kids can't have recess.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, even the Republican party thinks he's a failure.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, ambulances are chasing HIM!

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, now he CAN handle the truth.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he got kicked out of a food court.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he had to switch to boxer shorts.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even habeus his own corpus.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even file briefs in his underwear drawer.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't appeal potatoes.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he has to pour all his own drinks.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he'll have to hire a lawyer to sue me for libel.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, all his doubts must now be unreasonable.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he'll never do another chin up.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred that his friends won't even break him off a piece of their Kit Kat.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even hear testimony in a Southern Baptist Megachurch.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he has to just swing on monkeys.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he's only permitted to use pie charts.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even practice the law of gravity.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even write on legal pads.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can only watch the first half of SVU.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, his porn magazines are just called "Barely."

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even use legal tender.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, there's an injunction against "Jack Thompson walks into a bar" jokes.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even file his nails.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he cant lower the bar any further.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even play basketball because it's on a court!

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney and Harvey Birdman have more cases.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred he can't even star in mean lawyer jokes anymore.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can only buy soap in liquid form.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred that when he plays tennis they hold him in contempt of court.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Madness is like gravity...

Well now...

i didn't get my hat last night.... but someone else did:

Insanity! Grats Skull.

Speaking of insanity...

you know i was thinking about what the Joker said in The Dark Knight....

"Y'see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little...push."

which brings me to the gravity of this situation.

Y'see , just after that RDM relic dropped.... a PLD relic dropped also.

cause esentially, nobody panics when things go according to plan. 

even if the plan is horrifying.

if i tell everyone we will all wipe in dyna, or that you'll DC and your relic will go freelot, nobody panics.

because its all part of the plan.

but when one guy wins Valor Surcoat over some of the other PLDs in the LS... well then everyone loses thier minds!

Introduce a little anarchy. 

Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. 

Just like Saiyajinn's Surcoat lot.

completely fair.

yet some people still feel they have the right to bitch about how it shouldve gone to them

total chaos.

I'm an agent of chaos. 

Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? 

It's fair.

so people stop showing me the worst of humanity because you were beat fair and square.

so what if he doesnt bring PLD to dyna?

hes 75 /equip

and of ALL other things he couldve lotted in Xarc, he chose that. he wanted it over everything else.

thats gotta say something.

he had every right, and people thought otherwise

I guess it showed us. when the chips are down people will show ya who they really are.

Mordion Goal will be doubling up the rate PA's PLDs are going mad...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Frozen North

Well im off to a Dynamis-Xarcabard run today.... hoping for my pretty hat...

hopin' some of that Luck o' the Corsair helps me! haha!

so wish me luck, and just cause i can, this:

The Day That *Almost* Never Comes

Well ok, i have to say, its hard to talk while eating your own words.

not only that but its sorta hard to eat your own words when you've stuck your foot in it.

yes thats right:

Death Magnetic done made a fool of me.

i'm prolly not the only one either. 

it all started a couple weeks ago.

"you heard the new metallica yet buddy?" a coworker asked me. "its good!"

"well thats the problem man, "new" and "metallica" dont go together very well" i replied. 

and that was it. for a couple weeks.

CD came out, i didn't hear anything bad about it. and i even heard some good things.

I saw this cool Skullcandy Metallica styled Hesh headphones, cheap as hell with an itunes card for the Death Magnetic download too.

i almost considered it, mostly because the headphones were $20 cheaper than i paid for my Hesh.

and i do love those headphones.

still didnt buy em.

Then this morning..... 

was driving to work and what should come on the radio (99.5 the Rocket baby!) but "The Day that Never Comes" 

now i didnt know thats the song that was playing.

but in my ignorance i listened.... and liked.

now im listening to a ripped copy and i have to say... i still like.

it starts of with just post classic metallica guitar riffs in "That Was Just Your Life" and the album actually holds its steam very well. 

of course im sure Rick Ruben had something to do with that but hey, who can argue when Metallica fans no longer have to say "old Metallica" on their list of favorite music.

James actually lets the guitars take precedence in some very classic Metallica styled solos.

good i needed him to shut up every once and awhile

It even features "The Unforgiven III" (still not as good as its predecesors but at least a welcome addition to the story)

Make no mistake this is no "Kill 'em All" which is probably the highest energy classic Metallica CD i have in my collection, but its definatly something to shut people like me up. 

and something to make people no longer ashamed to say they like Metallica.

i know i was for awhile >.>

mind you i haven't totally forgiven for them for their collective idocracy (Lars mostly) but at least i can listen to this CD and tell myself "at least the music is good!"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Avast! pt 2

Its been a big week.... lol

first off...

yup, ding 75 COR. finally got it.

im pretty damn happy.

it took what? 5 years to get a job to 75?

dont look at me >.>

well if that wasnt enough i have some other fabulous news! 


hell yeah booooyeeee. my first relic gears.

all post update huh? yeah this thing is nice.

its no Skadi gloves. but damn are they handy.

and the next run what should drop?

yeeeeaaaaahhhhh bboooooyeeeee. thats right

Commodore Frac.
yep. im starting to show just how leet i am

in 2/5 on newly added COR relic i am proud to say, only a week from each other and i have a shot at tricorne this wednesday to boot.

after awhile ill be all hardcore like this:

only instead of reg AF itll be this:

heheh. yup. 

thats how hard i rock

other things of note:

ive merited Snake Eye

ive merited Fold

I did my Detonator WSNM

and im now after a Joyeuse to go with my pretty new shirt.

all in all its been a badass 2 weeks.

so.... i just have to say it.... Gyar!!!

The Update: A Visual Tour

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


well my COR is like 5.7k til 75.

so close it hurts

like blue balls but digital. XD

I feel like Barbossa is laughing at me.

@#%*! -or- I *DO* Care

ok seriously.

i give you all free range to laugh at me

no seriously

i downloaded the new single from Fall Out Boy and i can't get it out of my head.

its not even that great!

where are the witty one-liners?

the would-be-pop-punk guitar riffs?

the portion of the song that is slightly incoherrant thus sparking infinite debates amongst tween girls as to the ACTUAL lyrics.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. its damn catchy though.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

...and then there was VERSION UPDATE!

Ok, i know this isnt news for any of you FFXI players.. but wow, i still feel the need to reitterate.

you know... just in case.

seriously, its that big.

First off theres this nifty thing:


i like it, i love it, i want some more of it. (god i just quoted a country song didnt it? please shoot me)

anyways so yes, ive actually experimented with this. and for those of you that don't know it lets anyone of a higher level join your party and cap themselves to gain the same EXP.

now i know what youre sayin... "but what about all my gear whaaaa~"

never fear!!! you can wear the same armor, they scale its attributes down proportionate to your level. 

now that means your Hauby wont be as badass at level 10, in fact itll be just a heap of metal on your chest, but youd be surprised how well some peices keep thier attributes. 

My buddy shadowwind partied with me and other members of my LS in Yhoater jungle, level 29 sync party, and he still had more INT from his reg gear (black cotahardie etc) than from any equip unsynced at that level.

in fact, i myself have noticed i get to keep quite a bit of acc bonuses from my equip when i Sync.

EXP? its exactly the same as if you WERE that level. 

Can you merit? yes. i have, like 5 merits total even. 

its GENIUS, seriously. this about sums it up:

Other than that we also have... RELIC!!!! $@#%ING FINALLY! ive run COR ever since the ToAU expansion first day and ive been waiting for this for a very long time.

oh yeah and BLU and PUP get some too >.>

also win: Mythic Weapons.

because who doesnt want to point a smaller version of a ship's cannon at his enemy and blow thier face off <3<3<3

(im really happy about that one!)

and accordingly theyve also made Nyzul a little easier.

more quests

more campaign shiz

more WotG missions.

seriously this was a damn good one guys, bravo

just bravo!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gurren Lagann

Well lets talk anime. now generally i'm a fan.

at least i was.

then they started making crap.

come on, deathnote? what is that seriously.

the most interesting deathnote thing ive seen was the spongebob deathnote thing.

that was hilarious.

anyways back to anime.

i guess you could say i started to lose faith, nothing looked appealing. i couldnt find a single new title after ergo proxy and law of ueki i could actually get into

(that oughtta show you im not too picky really)

then i saw this:

I had heard of it before. bascially off VGcats and a few other sites that do parodys.

then i saw the back.

from the makers of Neon Genesis Evangelion and FLCL.


i love those two animes. who doesnt?

what you dont?

stop reading.

get out.

no really get out.

*ahem* now lets continue.

the thing was a double disc containing 8 episodes (value!) but i only got to see the first 3.

that actually a pretty good judging point. so basically if you don't like it after the first 3 episodes then you can successfully say you tried.

not that you'd need to try to hard, once you get past the first episode the animes a blast.

i would say... a good blend of rediculousity and hilarousness.

yes i know those aren't actually words.

thats why they work so well, because this anime is also crazy.

its a fast paced mech anime that makes fun of itself.

it takes place in a world in which people live in undergound hovels theyve built themselves into. the surface is forgotten and people act like Shia Le Bouf's character in holes.

(no they dont crash after having had one too many, although on that angle drunk mech opperators would be a great anime plot!!)

along comes evil monster that crashes in and self-doubting shinji boy uses a little tiny big-headed robot to fend it off and save his village.

on the outside he finds fuzzy star wars critter rip offs and more evil mecha than you can shake a test-type EVA at.

and Kamiya is great.

(you'll love Kamiya)

you'll also love her.

Yep, no Gainax creation would be complete without some fanservice running around throwing her gravity defying boobs around in the main character's face.

so seriously, do i need to say more?

im kinda wondering at this point.

why aren't you checking this out yet?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The House Bunny

Well if anything theres a few good labor day past times... no working is not one of them.


who made that up anyways.

the last thing i want to do on a paid holiday is pull weeds out of my front lawn.

thankfully i don't have a lawn anymore so i don't have to worry about that.

anyways Labor Day past times, yes you can barbeque... but frankly there are too many bugs and grilling is too much work, so that leaves movies!

and because i was going to have a very hard time convincing Juli to go see The Dark Knight with me for the 4th time we saw this instead:

Yes, The House Bunny. now before you hurl assorted gay jokes at me first let me say. there was alot of clevage in it. clevage is good yes?

ok, now that thats out of the way let me tell you what i think.

remember ana farris from scary movie? from scary movie 2 and possibly 3 & 4? (i dont know i stopped watching after 2)

this is basically the same character. i mean its not like Ana Farris plays characters like this.... riiiiiiiight.

but hey do what youre good at, and Ana Farris is pretty hilarious.

also funny is Kat Dennings and Emma Stone.

Don't know who they are?

you do, you just don't know thier names.

Kat is Kathrine Keener's daughter from 40 yr old virgin and Emma Stone is Jules from Superbad.

It also has Kathrine mcPhee whom Juli tells me is an american idol, Tyson Ritter lead singer for the All American Rejects, Rumer Willis (Bruce's and Demi's daughter), and a bunch of other semi-famous people. kinda too many to keep track of.

its basically one of those ugly duckling stories that isnt entirely original but you forgive because

a) its funny

b) its funny?

well as Juli would say, "it was a cute movie" "cute" isnt a guy word so i can't use it :p

yes there were some very very cheesy parts. but they are thankfully overshadowed by the actually funny parts.

did i mention it was funny?

well thats about all i can really say it was entertaining, not a waste of money which is more than i can say for alot of the other movies out there

*cough disastermovie cough*

in summation: The House Bunny: Not a waste of time or money!