Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Price of Fandom

So I was doing a search for Kingdom Hearts pictures yes? You know how I just got that pretty new iPhone? well I was thinking of giving the theme editing a shot so I could make a cool Kingdom Hearts theme since none of the ones I find seem to satisfy my need for one, and in said search I some how came across this.

I know, its pretty much one of the coolest DSi related KH merch to date. (not that there was much to begin with really)

Since I actually have 358/2 days and I think its a pretty cool game I thought to my self: "Self, wouldnt it be cool to have that?"

So I went where any self-respecting buyer of imported merchandise goes... eBay.

And what do I find there but the very item I was looking for at the buy it now price of... $99.00


No seriously, wtf?

This thing, no matter how cool could never be sold for more than 20 dollars. I mean if this thing was forged in the fires of Mount Doom I wouldnt pay more than 25 bucks.

But it's not, it's made out of plastic (earth plastic before you ask) and doesn't really afford the DSi more than a 1 maybe 2 foot drop's worth or protection. I know, I already have something like this with Megaman on it.

And while I recognize the fact its out of print I cant understand why in the hell something like this would be worth half as much as the thing its protecting. Hell, with a good deal you can get a DSi for the same damn price as this thing!

Now I consider myself a collector, and I consider myself a fan of Kingdom Hearts as well, but no matter how much of either of those I am I'm simply not paying this much for something cost literally all of 10 cents to make. C'mon people. Plastic is cheap. Hell, so is cotton and ink, so wouldnt it make sense to value them both about the same?

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