Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Badges? We Dont Need No Stinking Badges!

Actually we, err- I do. I just finished getting all 16 badges in HG/SS and i'm pretty damn proud of myself.

I've also managed to catch Articuno in the seafoam islands, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, and ive got Raikou running around with 1 hp!

As for working on my national Pokedex i also got the items to evolve Clamperl into its 2 evolutions, Gorebyss and Huntail so those are 2 more I can cross off. That and i caught a Miltank which i was lacking, and a Misdreavus (who has since been evolved to Mismagius) so thats a total of 8 more to the pokedex i didn't have before SS!

So all i really have waiting for me now in the game is to finish the legendary dog trio, storm Mt. Silver, fight the elite 4 at thier new levels and then hopefully find and beat Red!

And my team?

Well that would be:

"Numot" Dragonite (f) Lv.59, Lax, Inner Focus, Bright Powder
  1. Dragon Dance
  2. Dragon Pulse
  3. Fly
  4. Earthquake
"Lorthos" Feraligatr (m) Lv.60, Serious, Torrent, Lum Berry
  1. Surf
  2. Ice Fang
  3. Crunch
  4. Thrash
"Woe" Mismagius (m) Lv.60, Relaxed, Levitate, Lum Berry
  1. Shadow Ball
  2. Psybeam
  3. Power Gem
  4. Perish Song
"Rustspore" Ampharos (m) Lv.60, Naive, Static, Magnet
  1. Charge Beam
  2. Thunder Punch
  3. Signal Beam
  4. Power Gem
"Cracklebur" Flareon (m) Lv.59, Lax, Flash Fire, Charcoal
  1. Fire Fang
  2. Bite
  3. Smog
  4. Last Resort
"Djinn" Jirachi Lv.60, Serious, Serene Grace, Twisted Spoon
  1. Wish
  2. Future Sight
  3. U-turn
  4. Draco Meteor

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