Monday, April 19, 2010


You know I don't even know anymore.

I saw Kick-Ass on sunday and honesly i really liked it. It was only during the credits that i found out it is in fact based on a comic.

So naturally being a fan of the comics i looked it up.

i kinda wish i didn't

the Kick-Ass big screen adaption is almost like the big screen adaption of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. if youve read that then you know what i mean.

So is Kick-Ass based on a comic book?

yes, but not really.

Ya see, this movie fails where so many adaptions fail before it.

they change like ever fucking thing about the comic, then they say "hey thisll make a good movie". then before you know it you hacked and spliced enough times it went from looking like patrick swayze in dirty dancing to patrick swayze in too wong foo.

im going to pretend you didnt just say how much you liked too wong foo and continue.

oh, and fanboys, spoiler alert so if youre gonna whine and bitch about how i ruined the movie for you stop reading now.

First off the comic is a gritty take on why people dont become super heroes in real life. the message: life is not a comic and it just doesnt work.

the movie sends different message. super heroes dont exist in real life cause people didnt try hard enough.

now normally this would be such a bad thing, and the movie starts off much in the same way as the comic but about halfway through it makes a strange deviation.

It becomes some kinda happy go lucky super hero comedy.

Big Dady WAS a retired cop, framed for a crime he didn't commit by a new york drug kingpin. as opposed to a bored accountant who fights crime with his brainwashed daughter.

Kick-Ass DID get the girl and lived hapily ever after, only giving up the costume on her request, rather than getting rejected and his ass kicked by her new boyfriend upon revealing hes not gay to her

Kick-Ass's dad never gets involved with Lucille (who dies in the movie)

while these differences arent many, they completely change the mood and almost the focus of the entire movie. I'm not sure that Millar and Romita jr. have in store for the character in the future (theyve both stated a sequel book is in the works) but you can probably bet it will never be as happy or feel good as this movie turned out to be.

all in all my verdict is simple, if youve read the comic youll probably dislike the movie, if you havent, which im wagering is the category most people fall into, youll probably like it.

i give this movie a Katie Deauxma/10

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