Friday, February 20, 2009

The Great Purging

Well i know ive slacked it posting...

but ive actually been really busy.

too busy to post?

not quite but hey... i did warn you.

well christmas, got alot of cool stuff, if i find the time ill review some of it for yall, but im gonna fast forward to two weeks ago.

(hurray for time paradoxes in my blog)

we call it... The Great Purging

as you may or may not know i got laid off from C&R on the 4th or so.

the owners of the company let me go to make room for people coming in from howdys, a subsidiary of a company the recently purchased.

but... it wasnt just me

they also let my mom (HR manager and 20 year employee), my bud Omega (Billing entry, 3+ years) and my bud Zeta (Safety assistant, like me, and about 2 years)

i was with them for 6 years

what a deal huh?

so i was left with housework and watching anime to occupy me while i searched for a job.

good news: i watched Macross Frontier

good news: i found a job

bad news: housework sucks

well at least thats over with eh?

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