Friday, February 27, 2009

More things i wont be getting...

Well lookie here. isnt this just fancy?

its an extended art promo card based on the character Rehgar from the WildStorm World of Warcraft comics illustrated by Jim Lee, one of todays top 5 best comic book illustrators (still always second to the late, great Michael Turner though)

it and several other very cool promos from the upcomming WoW TCG expansion Blood of Gladiators will never see my hands

why? because El Paso isnt the best city for hobby gaming, thats why

it used to be that a big city meant more gamers but apparently mexicans arent big on card games

in fact most of my ita's business (at Sunrise Games and Comics) comes from soldiers at Fort Bliss
what hobby gamers i do see either play Magic or some kind of tabletop miniatures game like Warhammer or Heroclix

i hold out hope that one day we can actually have events for other games too, the WoW TCG is actually very cool in tournament format and Decipher's new tcg, Fight Klub is coming out soon so i really hope to see some organized play for that

heres to hoping eh?

well just to round off the day heres some more of those ultra pretty cards i wont be getting XD

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nectar of the Gods

God i miss Game Fuel

im pretty sure its just me but that exquisite taste of cherry citrus and caffiene was enough to make me jizz in my pants

(speaking of which that song is hilarious)

alas though it was for a limited time only forcing me to pine for its flavor reminicient of flinstones vitamins and sherbet push pops for the rest of my life

i guess what really reminded me is the release of Halo Wars coming up here in about 10 days

im excited personally

afterall i love Halo and i love RTS games

what really got me was when the released the video demo a year or so ago

i mean who doesnt flip over being able to call in orbital laser strikes!?

no one i know... thats who

and of course the playable demo is now on xbl

i played through it and i have to say i was scared about how it would play out on a controller but it seems to work very well

i am going to miss the ability to voom out really far to see the whole map but other than that there seems to be no limitations with a controller

good for me

bad for competition heheh

so i anxiously await to play through that one

perhaps itll hold me until Halo Recon comes out lol

if i dont get the Battle of New Mombassa in one of these games though im gonna be PISSED!

View from the top... Sort of

like this?

this is the view from the second floor of my new office

you dont wanna know what the second floor looks like

you dont want to know what the first floor looks like for that matter

but yes... i found a job, well rather my father found one for me

i guess it doesnt sound good to admit your family helps you find jobs

its better than not having a job though

this new gig is data entry

it ranges between alot of work you have to rush through to having no work at all on certain days

sounds like a really lazy kinda gig. i.e. my kinda gig

so thankfully im back on my feet again although my mom and buddies arent yet

im just gonna keep hoping for em really

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Great Purging

Well i know ive slacked it posting...

but ive actually been really busy.

too busy to post?

not quite but hey... i did warn you.

well christmas, got alot of cool stuff, if i find the time ill review some of it for yall, but im gonna fast forward to two weeks ago.

(hurray for time paradoxes in my blog)

we call it... The Great Purging

as you may or may not know i got laid off from C&R on the 4th or so.

the owners of the company let me go to make room for people coming in from howdys, a subsidiary of a company the recently purchased.

but... it wasnt just me

they also let my mom (HR manager and 20 year employee), my bud Omega (Billing entry, 3+ years) and my bud Zeta (Safety assistant, like me, and about 2 years)

i was with them for 6 years

what a deal huh?

so i was left with housework and watching anime to occupy me while i searched for a job.

good news: i watched Macross Frontier

good news: i found a job

bad news: housework sucks

well at least thats over with eh?