Friday, October 31, 2008

Hes a Dancing Queen?!

Forgive me for all that Dancer gibberish, i had to copypasta the DNC AF quests into my blog...

i did it cause FFXIclopedia is blocked on my work computer

damn thourough IT guys!

anyways so i got my DNC AF. 

it only took me 150k and 48 hours, all solo. 

with minimal playtime to boot

what about the AF3 quest you ask? 

haha look it up. its called "Comeback Queen"

well since then i finished gettin em, and i do have to say, that was the easiest full AF set i think ive ever gotten.

hell, even COR AF3 quest took a month to get people brave enough to head out to the ashu taliff.

so yeah, the AF story isnt bad, here are a few screenies. enjoy!


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