Friday, October 10, 2008

Balloon Fiesta day 1 pt 1

now now, im updating from my phone again so this will look weird until i can fix it monday

that having been said this is the scoop, skinny, lowdown, story... you get the idea!

thursday night... had to miss Einherjar... but we left at about 4 o clock.

traffic sucked.

but doesnt traffic always suck?

my dad drove the first half of the 4 hr journey until my brother, recently having aquirred his liscence, begged him to take over.

it was as eventful as you would think a 4 hour drive through nowhere would be.

pretty uneventful

well at least thats over with.

and aside from getting up at 4:30 in the morning

(oh my god)

the day has been quite awesome

we got up and made our way to the local mall, hopped on a bus that took us to the field, slobbingly dragged our asses around the kiosks for breakfast and finally settled as the balloons began to launch.

it was the "special shapes rodeo"

which if you alow me a minute... i will show you what that means!

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