Thursday, September 27, 2012

The forecast calls for 98% chance of brainstorm!

Since I'm all active on this blog again and whatnot I'm brainstorming possible different weekly posts. Naturally being a gamer I think I'm going to do some kind of "what I'm playing this week" sort of deal. I play tons of games, and many are not widely known. NO, that was not a hipster comment because the majority of them are in this generation. Think of it more along the lines of giving credit where credit is due.

I also have a couple articles I was working on for 8bit so I'm just going to swing those here instead. It'll be easier I think to do, since I don't have to worry about damaging a site's reputation with my opinions lol. To be completely honest it's good not to have to worry about that sometimes.

So thats where I'm standing right now.

Of ourse I'll also do non-gaming related entries as well... comics, movies, cards, music, general geekery. You all know the drill by now.

In the meantime I think I'll cover a few recent game's I've bought and which ones stand out. Yeah, I think that's a great idea!

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