Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Army of the Dead

This here is my new Death Knight deck in the World of Warcraft TCG. they came out with a mini set of something like 40 cards to introduce the Death Knight class including 2 heros, 1 horde and 1 alliance.

despite that they didnt feature anything death knight related until 2 set releases later, in Scourgewar, so i had to really put my Death Knight deck on the back burner for lack of a clear focus.

now that Scourgewar is out theres alot more abilities and a few more heros to choose from so i think i can confidently put my first Unholy foot forward! lol.

Hero: Saeryn Dusksorrow

Abilities (18):
  • 4x Deathcoil
  • 2x Army of the Dead
  • 2x Raise Dead
  • 3x Icy Touch
  • 3x Death Pact
  • 2x Mind Freeze
  • 2x Arcane Torrent

Equipment (7):
  • 4x Runed Soulblade
  • 3x Scourgeborne Battlegear

Allies (19):
  • 2x Deathcharger
  • 4x Drandus the Deathcaller
  • 4x Vanessa Fairgraves
  • 2x "Fungus Face" McGillicutty
  • 2x "Acid Hands" McGillicutty
  • 3x Boneshanks
  • 1x Ethereal Plunderer
  • 1x Conqueror Kagon Blackskull

Quests (16):
  • 3x Betrayal
  • 3x Chasing A-Me 01
  • 2x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
  • 3x Hazardous Materials
  • 3x Brothers in Death
  • 2x Solanian's Belongings

So first what we have is basically Ghoul beatdown. you put some ghouls out, you attack, you untap em, attack again. so on and so forth. "how do you bring ghouls out?" you may ask. well the answer is simple. kill allies!

unfortunatly most of the time its your own allies you need to kill. so if thats the case, why not play allies that are happy for the grave anyway?

Thats why most of the allies in my deck have going into the graveyard effects. like Vanessa Fairgraves. for 3 you get a 3 Attack 3 Health ally that says "When vanessa is destroyed, put a ghoul ally token into play with 3 [melee] atk / 3 health." that and guys like Boneshanks and "Fungus Face" McGillicutty make destroying your own allies not so bad.

so once theyre dead you put out a Drandus the Deathcaller or two and attack away with your ghouls for great justice! (or lack thereof!)

and if anyone catches a beat on ya, just hit him with the Army of the Dead! Bwuahahahahahahahahahaha!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Here Wii Go!

Well, My birthday was pretty awesome.

you know, if any of you cared :p

first we went for sushi at my favorite sushi restaurant, Sakura Sushi (on Lee Trevino past Pebble Hills GO THERE!) with my dear wife and friends and then back to my place for cards, video games and desert!

My lovely wife got me New Super Mario Bros Wii which if you dont yet know is the 4 player old-school-style Mario game for Wii.

since its 4 players theres basically 2 modes, cooperative, where youre *supposed* to help each other and complete levels, and coin battle where you try to see which one of you can get the most coins from the group.

now i say "supposed to" because frankly its pretty damn hard not to knock your friends off ledges and into lava, off a platform floating above a cliff, or straight into the path of a hammer bro. and dont even get me started on the green and red shells!

now, although its hard as hell to not kill each other in coop mode, dont let that dissuade you. good times were had by all, no matter how many times you heard someone shout "damn you! that was my fire flower!". in fact i think people were so wrapped up in playing NSMBW that people forgot i even had Super Smash Bros Brawl.

after all that i watched funny people (actually a very good movie) and then played some WoW TCG against Mike and then went to sleep.

and that was the day BEFORE my birthday. lol

actually we celebrated sat so we didnt do much on my actual birthday, just applebees and playing Fallout 3. Rock!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wish List

Well cause its getting close to christmas birthday i thought i'd make a list of stuff i want

you know.... cause i want it

Nintendo DS:
Pokemon Heartgold
Glory of Heracles
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Xbox 360:
Halo: Reach Collectors Edition
Fable III Collectors Edition
Fallout: New Vegas Collectors Edition
Green Day Rock Band
Dragon Age: Awakening
Final Fantasy XIII
Halo 3: ODST
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect 2: Limited Edition
Microsoft Points

Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker Collectors Edition
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Nintendo Points

Wrathgate booster packs (WoW TCG)
Scourgewar booster packs (WoW TCG)
Fields of Honor booster packs (WoW TCG)
Zendikar booster packs (Magic:tG)
Worldwake booster packs (Magic:tG)

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Collectors Edition (PC)
Halo Lengends (2 disc DVD or Blu-Ray)
Star Trek Online Collectors Edition (PC)
Speed Racer Manga Collector's Box Set
an iPhone (preferably 3G or 3GS)
Mass Effect Redemtion (Comic, Darkhorse)