Thursday, August 27, 2009

Magic: The Gathering - Jace of Spades v1.1

Excuse the corny name for the deck, i couldn't resist!

This one, like so many of my other Magic decks is Black/Blue.

I was still dissapointed overall in the Alara block but i got over it and with the addition of Magic 2010 (the new core set) i have regained some of my faith in this once excellent card game. (more about that in a later post - promise!)

so without further ado... Jace of Spades!

Planeswalker - 3
  • 3x Jace Beleren
Spells - 29
  • 4x Underworld Dreams
  • 4x Sign in Blood
  • 4x Howling Mine
  • 2x Font of Mythos
  • 2x Twincast
  • 3x Dream Fracture
  • 2x Countersquall
  • 2x Soul Manipulation
  • 2x Doom Blade
  • 4X Call to Heel
Creatures - 8
  • 4x Tidehollow Strix
  • 4x Parasitic Strix
Lands - 22
  • 3x Drowned Catacomb
  • 3x Taramorphic Expanse
  • 8x Swamp
  • 8x Island

Now now, i know what youre thinking.... playing with a planeswalker? for shame!

im pretty ashamed actually, ive been bitching about them since they first came out

but as i was pouring over the new type 2 cards when M10 was released i saw the chance to do something i haven't been able to do well in type 2 for some time: make an Underworld Dreams deck.

Sure Wheel and Deal is out, sure the lack of Psychic Possession makes the deck a tad weaker, yes theres no more Teferi's Puzzlebox awesomeness... but there is this guy...

Good ol' Jace Beleren.

that and a few other very cool cards like Sign in Blood make for a (new) one-two punch with the 'Dreams.

Now if youve ever played a Underworld Dreams deck its pretty simple, get 'Dreams out (fast) and then flood thier hand like theres no tomorrow.

the Strixes are for chump blocking and stalling, and the counters and bounce are for annoying the living crap out of your opponent.

what blue does best eh?

now this is really only how it exists right now, using only Alara block cards and M10 cards (since lolLorwyn/Shadowmoor is leaving type 2 soon) so i hope some more fuel for the fire will be added in the upcomming Zendikar set!

P.S. YES, i know its 62 cards :p

P.P.S. Taking advantage of the fact Lorwyn/Shadowmoor cards are still Type 2 im temporarily substituting Cancels for Dream Fractures, more card drawing FTW afterall! (at least til Oct, when Zendikar bumps the Lorwyn block out)

Monday, August 17, 2009

District 9

Well... I saw District 9 on sunday

and before i tell you what i think i want to tell you that recent years have been sparcely decorated with a handful of sci-fi movies, some of them not even good, some of the lost in the bluster of the starring actors or big hollywood budgets

i thought District 9 was amazing.

and before you say "well i thought it was good, But not AMAZING" remember my previous statement.

Aside from a few other good sci-fi movies District 9 has a feel to it no sci-fi movie has had in almost a generation.

and it doesnt need big names or actors to do it.

So go see it, wether youre a sci-fi fan or not you wont be dissapointed, and if its one of your first forays into the genre it will definatly be a good experience for you!

I give this movie a Cat Food/10 (see the movie and youll understand :p)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ok kiddos, were gonna talk for a minute about the state of the next generation.

cause its a bit scary frankly.

no, im not talking about the way they dress. everyone dresses stupidly in their youth

case in point:

its also not their stupidity, i think my generation was plenty stupid before we all grew up and im sure the same can be applied to any generation really.

hell some generations dont STOP being stupid

but thats another post entirely.

what scares me about kids today is the mentality.

all the ceremony is gone, all the spectacle.

what really brought this to mind was a blurb post i saw earlier in the day on

[in refrence to the topic: 10 Worst album covers of 2009 (so far)] RogerTea said "Who cares about album covers in this day and age? In this age of downloaded digital music album art is an outdated concept - as is the concept of the album itself."

now this disturbed me greatly.

and my reply was this "#19, you officially are the last straw that broke the camel's back, my hope for this new generation.
your comment is perfectly in line with the thought of shutting down libraries and killing print media. if you would have been alive in an age where there was spectacle in going to the record store, and sitting in your room alone listening to the whole LP while you carefully examined the art and lyrics that accompanied it you would think differently. its called appreciating art, try it some time."

Now contrary to popular belief, i dont always go flying off the handle and post replies like this.

it does however scare me, because as this is starting to become the thoughts of a new generation, what other ceremony will be cast aside?

hell, voting is already a dwindiling past time, as are things like dating.

yes, dating.

kids these days... its all about their hooking up, and then one day they will wake up at 30 have no idea what a real relationship is like.

now i should take this time to mention, im no old fogey, im only 24 and i still find some of this a bit shocking.

so in closing all i have to say is this:

heaven forbid we wake up one day, and all the Van Goghs have been replaced by photoshoped images and vectors, all the books replaced by blogs, all the LP's into 99 cent singles, and all the past great mediums of human expression in this world discarded because what is modern is "better" solely because its modern.

that and:

am i being rediculous?

Magic: The Gathering - Jace of Spades

Excuse the corny name for the deck, i couldn't resist!

This one, like so many of my other Magic decks is Black/Blue.

I was still dissapointed overall in the Alara block but i got over it and with the addition of Magic 2010 (the new core set) i have regained some of my faith in this once excellent card game. (more about that in a later post - promise!)

so without further ado... Jace of Spades!

Planeswalker - 3
  • 3x Jace Beleren
Spells - 29
  • 4x Underworld Dreams
  • 4x Sign in Blood
  • 4x Howling Mine
  • 2x Font of Mythos
  • 2x Twincast
  • 3x Cancel
  • 2x Countersquall
  • 2x Soul Manipulation
  • 2x Doom Blade
  • 4X Call to Heel
Creatures - 8
  • 4x Tidehollow Strix
  • 4x Parasitic Strix
Lands - 22
  • 3x Drowned Catacomb
  • 3x Taramorphic Expanse
  • 8x Swamp
  • 8x Island

Now now, i know what youre thinking.... playing with a planeswalker? for shame!

im pretty ashamed actually, ive been bitching about them since they first came out

but as i was pouring over the new type 2 cards when M10 was released i saw the chance to do something i haven't been able to do well in type 2 for some time: make an Underworld Dreams deck.

Sure Wheel and Deal is out, sure the lack of Psychic Possession makes the deck a tad weaker, yes theres no more Teferi's Puzzlebox awesomeness... but there is this guy...

Good ol' Jace Beleren.

that and a few other very cool cards like Sign in Blood make for a (new) one-two punch with the 'Dreams.

Now if youve ever played a Underworld Dreams deck its pretty simple, get 'Dreams out (fast) and then flood thier hand like theres no tomorrow.

the Strixes are for chump blocking and stalling, and the counters and bounce are for annoying the living crap out of your opponent.

what blue does best eh?

now this is really only how it exists right now, using only Alara block cards and M10 cards (since lolLorwyn/Shadowmoor is leaving type 2 soon) so i hope some more fuel for the fire will be added in the upcomming Zendikar set!

P.S. YES, i know its 62 cards :p

World of Warcraft TCG - Ueki Dreamstar

This deck is for the World of Warcraft TCG, a favorite of mine and one i'll get more into in a future post

The deck is named after my main character in the MMO version, Ueki Dreamstar

Hero - Moonshadow (Druid/Resto)

Abilities - 24
  • 2x Bash
  • 2x Aquatic Form
  • 2x Claw
  • 2x Flight Form
  • 4x Swiftshift
  • 3x Utopia
  • 4x Moonfire
  • 2x Tangling Roots
  • 3x Healing Touch
Equipment - 11
  • 3x Twig of the World Tree
  • 1x Stormrage Cover
  • 2x Bloodsea Brigand's Vest
  • 1x Predatory Gloves
  • 1x Nyn'jah's Tabi Boots
  • 3x Rune of Metamorphosis
Allies - 14
  • 2x Leeroy Jenkins
  • 2x Envoy Samantha Dillon
  • 4x Savina Greysky
  • 4x Galway Steamwhistle
  • 2x The Abominable Greench
Quests - 10
  • 1x Relics of the Wakening
  • 1x Crown of the Earth
  • 3x The Ring of Blood : The Blue Brothers
  • 1x The Lexicon Demonica
  • 4x Sunken Treasure
Locations - 3
  • 3x The Darkmoon Faire

This ones pretty simple really, build resources then whack away with your big stick and Moonfire!

Utopia helps you supress your enemy, and build you some resources at the same time. if you feel like your gonna have to use it hold on to your Galway Steamwhistles, and save a Sunken Treasure or two to pull your Twigs back into your hand (after sacking them as a face down resource to a Twig)

the feral cards are a bit random i know, but i wanted to:

a) build a deck that plays like i play my character online

b) show off the versatility of druids, even in the card game.

this is honestly the deck im most fond of so far in the WoW TCG, no doubt considering its based off of me!

.hack//ENEMY - Trick or Treat!!

Now really these next couple posts are for my benefit really

as you may or may not know i have TONS of cards. like literally, tons

i wouldnt doubt it if i have 2,000 lbs worth.

so what i wanted to do was get my decks down someplace so if i mess em up or put them away i can rebuild them.

this one is from the .hack//ENEMY card game by decipher that was tragically short lived.

Trick or Treat!!

PCs - 12
  • 3x Subaru Lv.1
  • 2x Terajima Ryoko Lv.1
  • 4x Benkei Lv.1
  • 3x Crest Lv.1
Items - 17
  • 3x Hatchet Lv.1
  • 3x Battle Axe Lv.1
  • 4x Midnight Axe Lv.2
  • 3x Darkness Axe Lv.3
  • 4x Plate Armor Lv.1
Fields - 1
  • 1x Θ Cursed, Despaired, Paradise

Monsters - 30
  • 4x Halloween
  • 3x Noisy Wisp
  • 4x Ectoplasm
  • 2x Red Scissors
  • 2x Squilla Demon
  • 1x Mantis
  • 1x Crab Turtle
  • 2x Scorpion Brigade
  • 4x Scorpion Attack
  • 3x Snip Snap Brigade
  • 4x Monkey Crab
How its works is you spend a couple turns building up your bad ass Heavy Axes. after that you throw them to the wolves and store, store, store your Darkness monsters. throw in the playing of a couple of your non essential Water monsters as face down cards and the real fun begins. you sic your Halloween on your opponent giving him enough other creatures to be quite tied up and when his reward comes around, you discard either Red Scissors or Squilla Demon from your hand, this allows you to sneak in extra victory points for a quick, descisive win.

Now the deck isnt nessesarily complete.

it definatly needs more Crab Tutles, Red Scissors, Squilla Demon, and maybe another Mantis for good measure.

maybe one more Terajima Ryoko, but i wouldnt know what PC to substitute it for.

the weapons in addition to helping your Heavy Axes fend off your opponent also help you spot Darkness for Halloween. make sure to save a Plate Armor and Darkness/Midnight Ax for Terajima to help you spot that 6 Darkness a turn or two sooner.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

NXE Newness!

Well hello there....

what? you say you notice something different?
Yup that new fangled xbox live update hit adding new awesomeness to the world of xbox live.

new is the avatar marketplace, where you can buy anything from the most useless avatar items, to some of the coolest stuff ever.

and dont worry theyre still comming out with more free stuff, all this stuff to buy is liscenced (hense having to charge for it)

so far are pirate costumes from Sid Meyer's Escape from Monkey Island, apparel and clothes based on Halo 3, a UNSC marine costume and more apperal for Halo: ODST, Gears of War 2 outfits and clothes, and also lightsabers and jedi outfits from Star Wars: Clone Wars.

they also have actual branded apperal, stuff like adidas and tokidoki but it seems kinda tame when you can wear clone trooper armor

aside from that you can now update your netflix watch it now que from your xbox, watch videos and chat with other xbox 360 netflix users in an xbox live party, and see what netflix videos the people on your friends list are watching.

theyve also added some technical features like a "progressive scan"-like option that formats your video settings based on a scan of your tv automatically.

and probably one of the coolest additions is that of the full game download station.

no, were not talking about arcade games

no, were not even talking about xbox originals

were talking full Xbox 360 games you can download and play straight from your hard drive! sure, its gonna make us all lazy ass bastards but hey, its still a damn cool thing!