Monday, December 8, 2008

Jump In!

so what do you guys think of the new me?

ok so its not the NEW me but it is my avatar on xbox live.

for those of you who dont know Xbox Live was recently improved.

the Dashboard has a new look that features stuff like comunity spotlight and upcoming events as well as all the old normal stuff.

you can even link your gamertag to your netflix account and watch streaming movies

if you dont already have a netflix they give you a free trial but i dont know how long it is.

and of course most notable change are the avatars.

you can customize them and are pretty much the same thing as a Mii (of Nintendo Wii fame)

and when you want to play a game together with your buddies all your avatars join an xbl party. this way its basically easier to join their games in progress or isolate voice chat so only they can hear you.

i gotta say this update has been quite a blast!

but if all of this is too overwhelming for you.... just press the Xbox guide button and it bring up a small version of the old Dashboard menu blades.... just in case!

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