Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Something Amiss...

Theres something wrong with this picture:

can you guess what it is? Its a hot girl dressed as a female blood elf from World of Warcraft. she obviously does not PLAY World of Warcraft.

cause that would be a contradiction.

ha. just kidding, actually ive noticed WoW has the highest concentration of female gamers. i have no idea why... maybe because its easy. who knows.

In other news i got my Jeep back from the shop today... man does it rock again. my drivers seat is a freakin throne!

i can't really see myself driving anything else but my jeep, its kinda weird and best of all i like being able to see over other vehicles.

i figure one of these days when im in a bad enough mood i will DRIVE over said vehicles. we'll see im still waiting for the road rage to bubble up that high.

now if only i could stop playing FFTA2 on my drive to work.

id be great!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Apparently i'm innept. why you ask? because i can't figure out how to add a damn slideshow to the gadget thingy on this thingy.

yeah i know thats very scientific commentary there.
in all seriousness though i just can't figure it out, its on the Alchemic Blues page, so if anyone knows please help me out >.>

Other than that i got [GM]Dave's first half of the fan pack today, if you dont know who he is read here.

Its hilarious stuff. seriously, i should probably feel guilty for this but i've donated to this guy, who probably does not need any money whatsoever, rather then people who actually need it, like hurricane victims and whatnot.

I'm sure theres some sort of killer hurricane going on right now.

(i haven't been watching the news >.>)

Other than that weekend was good, did alot of lazing around which i love, and also got to take my buddies to Sakura, which i had started to think impossible.

I didn't get to go see the Dark Knight again, but i will sometime this week. (if you haven't seen it yet im wondering what exactly is wrong with you >.>)

Anyways ill be updating Alchemic Blues later on today. hopefully that goes well. if not... well then you'll have to wait. Ha ha.

Friday, August 22, 2008

That Punchline is a Killer

So i went to barnes yesterday right, it took like 10 minutes longer than i expected but i got what i went for... These!

Batman: The Killing Joke

and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

great great source reads, apparently both are credited for both inspiration for the Dark Knight script as well as Heath Ledger's preformance.
unfortunatly theyre both reprints, but hey with the original printings in excess of $60 i think ill have to bite the bullet on this one. anyways theyre awesome, totally demented and i highly recomend them.

in fact as a buddy David just showed me.... theyre making a game for 360, PS3 and PC based on Arkham Asylum.

Too awesome, can't wait!

Anyways enough fanboyism, this is my first post so i ougtta let you know 3 things.

First, i never post on time

second, i have no idea what ill post about, prolly stuff about what i buy/see/think/find out. boring stuff.

last but not least... i never post on time. :p

(but neither does he...)

p.s. i have Alchemic Blues and another fanfic style blog coming soon, both based on FFXI if youre interested...