Sunday, February 3, 2013


Wow, now I know what it feels like to be the second banana. I guess I had it coming. For so long I was content to be the favorite and now I've been ousted. I suppose it's fair but since when has fair ever felt good?   Pretty much never, I guess.

Well don't mind these ramblings. This is a blog and as such I felt it the most appropriate place to throw my feelings into the void of the internet so I might be rid of them. I'll be back to my video game discussing self soon enough, but for now I guess it sucks to feel like you've been replaced.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

(We're Not) All-Stars!

So I had a blast playing with a couple friends of mine online, Bronson (@gamekraft), Rebecca (@rrquinta) and a random guy from my PSN list! My Raiden is getting better and I still need to work on Cole. I really want to use Sly, Radec and Ratchet too so we'll see where that goes!