Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Prodigal Corsair Returns!

well I know it's been awhile and whatnot but I've been on the computer less and less

mostly since it sucks.

but I thought it would be appropriate to mention I'm again playing the game that spawned the idea for this blog. that's right, the crazy corsair of carbuncle is back!

of course in the year sabatical I've taken no one remembers who I am anymore.

don't worry it happened to Joaquin Phoenix too (who? oh, that's right...)

so in the time since my return I know there's been alot of changes.

I know they raised the level cap which is cool I guess but now every damn Mage in the game subs RDM for convert.

there are tons of far less obvious changes that have taken place over the last year. like abassea... no it's not a life threatening health condition, it's some new fangled area you can access after buying a $10 episode.

apparently the leveling there is insane, something akin to 25k exp an hour once you get rolling in a decent party.

that's insane, I mean I don't mean to sound like a geezer or anything but I remember when getting 10k an hour in dunes meant you were the most badass 6 players in the game. that's right, I mentioned the dunes. people used to level there ya know.

now someone get me my oxygen tank, I think I'm getting cranky.

another thing is the economy seemed to calm down. it was the third happiest day of my life to learn that bullets are now alot cheaper than they used to be. most items in fact have gone down greatly in price. things you used to have to sacrifice small animals for well within arms reach, due in part to the level cap increase I'm sure. and on that note the new level 80 equip is mostly rediculously cheap. most of it costs as much as armor at level 30 and it's damn good stuff to boot. what's the catch? it makes you look like a second hand store fasionista as it's all just re-colored level 30 armor models... explains the price...

and of course what return to form would my personal "welcome home to vanad'iel be without death in massive quantities.

ever since I heard they removed the level caps on CoP mission areas I've been eager to finish a few quests and missions I simply didn't have the help for before. one was a quest to pose mannequins. of which I own 8.... what don't hate me because I'm rich. let me tell you, just cause they removed the level cap in the aquaducts doesn't mean that they made the mannequin NM any easier.


by that I meant I was :(

so in my first week back to the game I officially lost a total of 4k experience, hurray, now I really feel like I'm home!