Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well its finally mine. My awesome wife, brother and friend victor all teamed up to get me my dream phone, the iPhone. Yes, it is awesome. Yes it does everything. It can order food for me, do my homework, it can even walk my dog... ok it can't do that.

Honestly though I love this thing. If you're looking for a phone and you have the means I highly suggest you look into one. Signal is great, apps are great (of course), the camera (although 2 megapixel) is suprisingly awesome, and it can even do wi-fi hotspots.

Now of course my iPhone is probably a bit cooler than most, it has a few apps on it that make it stand out, if you know what I mean.

If you don't, well then frankly I'm not going to tell you haha.

But I will say this, the add ons I have fix most of the things people complain about iPhones. Everything except the battery life, which is pretty bad. Thankfully that can be helped with external battery cases and charge cases.

Best of all, it keeps track of my decks, tokens and life totals in Magic:tG, and frankly that is the most WIN of all time!