I've been playing TONS of Pokemon Black Version lately. I've long since beat White and Black but as I had completed the national Pokedex from Gen IV, I have begun to work on completing Gen V's as well. So far I've been tackling the easier stuff, leveling up certain Pokemon to evolve them and whatnot. With Black/White 2 days away (WHOOOO!) I just figured I might as well do as much as I can before then!

I also started to replay inFAMOUS 2. This is really a fantastic game and if you haven't played it and you have a PS3 you really ought to. Think bike messenger turned super hero (or villian) beats the shit out of angry militia people and monsters. Interested now? I decided I could (and should) Platinum this very awesome game. As of now I think I only need a handful more trophies, the hardest of which is to beat the game on hard. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to but I'll keep y'all posted!

I've also started playing Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention for PS Vita. There are soooooo few RPGs on the Vita right now which is really a shame since the PSP had so many great ones to choose from. Even so I didn't buy this one beause... well let's face it, Disgaea games are many things but one of those this is repetitive. So I borrowed the game from Gusto and well... sure enough, I'm a few missions in and the mechanics are exactly the same as Disgaea 1 and 2. There are still a bunch of stuff I can't access yet so I'm hoping this one mixes it up. I'll be reviewing it so when the verdict's out I'll link my blog to the 8bitfix review.

I haaaaad~ been playing Borderlands for PS3 but to be completely honest I'm gonna stop. There's just 0 interest in this game for me. I hate to say things like it is nowhere near as good as Fallout, but Borderlands' settings and quest system don't help it stand apart in the least. Sure BL has multiplayer and that was fun, but everytime I play it I wish it was Fallout 3 and everytime I am disappointed. I realize this is my problem and not 2K's but I feel like I've already "been there, done that" and frankly it was better the first time.
And there ya have it, my week in games pretty much. There have been others but I haven't played them long enough or had any major observations to really write in any length about them. Such games are, but not limited to, Treasure Park, Sound Shapes, Treasures of Montezuma Blitz, and Mortal Kombat for the Vita. If you guys want to tell me what you've been playing or even yell at me for my personal attack on YOUR FAVORITE GAME then feel free to leave me a comment! I promise to read them and cry on the inside and possibly indulge in some ice cream/cookie dough. Maybe even cookie dough ice cream if they are damaging enough to my self esteem (you have something to shoot for!).
Anyways that's it for this week in gaming! laters dudes and dudettes!
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