I started off with a couple titles on PlayStation Mobile. Since the Vita is compatible I run them off there. The huge plus is that they're super cheap and actually pretty good. This time around I'm messing with a the two PSM launch titles from Futurlab. The first is Beats Slider. First off I should mention I am horrible at slider puzzles. Seriously. I am damn #%&@ing horrible. What you have is a slider puzzle to music. When you put a square where it goes you get to hear it add to the music. The only problem is getting it there. You know, because I suck. THANKFULLY they added a sort of cheat function which is similar to the way I used to pop the squares out and put them back in order :/ The music is pretty cool though, so I keep playing it. Plus it was only 79 cents :D

Ok, so the other game is Fuel Tiracas, which may be obvious since I posted a link to my review. It's a pretty damn addicting game that is based around the idea of tapping buttons as they light up. It gets more complicated, and faster in the later levels, but this game is awesome. First off it's only 49 cents. Secondly it's so fun to blast through. Other bonuses are the music is great to hear and the game is totally smooth. In short: get it!

After PSM of course Pokemon Black Version 2 came out sunday which I picked it up. I'm like 12 or so hours in which is nothing, but I have mixed feelings. On one hand if you look at the game in terms of "third version" this game is better. It has an all new story and a new main character. There's also this whole "where are they now" factor that is pretty endearing. If you look at the game as a sequel though you can't ignore the fact it's the same region (with a couple new cities) and the same pokemon. Not counting Genesect, there are no new pokemon this time around.... what? So yeah, how you look at this game will have EVERYTHING to do with how you feel about it. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for anything that might turn this around into a wholly positive experience for me, because so far I'm just "meh".

Next on the list is Code of Princess. This is another game I have mixed feelings about. There is very little here to dislike. It's a fun side scrolling brawler with RPG elements, great character design, music, and local and online multiplayer. The only real downsides are the cliche plot and lag/slowdown when you have a lot of enemies on the screen. It can get pretty bad in the multiplayer but nothing that will ruin the game for you. For some odd reason though I can't help but feel so-so about the game. There's no real reason why I shouldn't love this game... but I don't. It's not bad at all and I don't feel like I wasted my money. Perhaps I just didn't want to play that game right now. Of course I did, to review it. Now I have a completed review for the game but no assigned score because I'm trying to figure out how to score it fairly in my funk. Oh well :/

So the weekend rolled around and I finished two reviews and really just wanted to play something for me. The first stop on my train to fun town was inFAMOUS 2. Also this may be obvious since I posted earlier in triumph as I completed the Platinum Trophy. I absolutely adore this game. As a super hero game it is so high up there for me. Second only to Arkham City in fact. Cole's powers are so cool, and the story is tip-top. I did already know these things but they become even more evident each time you play the game. When you beat the game on both evil and good you even get to use all powers your characters. This is a huge win! Sucker Punch, you guys are magic!

Lastly, I ended up playing something "new" after I was done with inFAMOUS 2. That's in quotations because the game is actually pretty old. The game is Killzone 3. As far as PlayStation goes, its first party brands are usually pretty strong but Resistance kind of turned me off. So Gusto being the amazing dude he is gave me an extra Helgast edition he had lying around. So now I have a creepy Helgast head hanging out in my sons room and a game I've never really played until yesterday. So far I really like this game. It kinda makes you wonder why anyone plays the Resistance games with this one on the scene. The only reason I can think of is Killzone 1 is on the PS2, so maybe PS3 buyers didn't want to jump into a story mid-way. Otherwise this game pretty much beats it out in every way. I still think other games are more solid, like Halo: Reach or Battlefield 3, but I consider this game to really be up there in terms of first person shooters. Of course I have no idea what's going on ever and the cover system is a little janky, but the hitboxes are spot on and there are some very cool weapons to choose from. Good job Guerilla Games!
Well that's it for this week. I'm sure I'll have more keen stories in my adventures in gaming for you next weekend kiddos. Take care!
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