i got myself a load of new songs, most of them just singles off upcomming albums.
theres definatly a trend going here.
and if you dont know what it is by now *eyes title* im not tellin ya...
anyways! lets move on to it. i got alot to get through so im gonna be fairly consice.
first one is a new single called "Gives you Hell" by The All-American Rejects off their upcomming CD

Im actually a pretty big fan of these guys after i saw one of their live preformances (even if you are so-so about their songs these guys are a blast in concert. they play better in concert than they do on their CDs!)
they've always been the pinacle of summertime feel good rythems and good sometimes even laugh to yourself funny lyrics.
this single gives you more of that with a rather refined sound organization. hats off to the mixer and producer cause they really took what AAR does best and improved on it.
it takes failed past relationship, peppers in some cynical fork-tongued goodness, and has you bouncing to the beat all the while.
if this is any indication their really going to take their newer more organized sound and work magic with it... i can't for the album if im in store for more of this!

unfortunatly i really only have access to her EPs.
this is actually a single off one of her albums thats recently come out though, called "Eat You up"
the single is that is.
Its no secret that BoA actually can speak pretty good english and it isnt the first time shes done it, but this song too is actually all in english.
but that combined with an american house style beat makes this song stand out from her previous stuff.
its not as good as some of the other songs of hers i own, but is still pretty good.
and it sounds incredible with my subwoofer ^^
her english is great though, and short of Utada Hikaru or Maaya Sakamoto, BoA's english vocals are very easy to understand and have almost no accent to them.
its yet another very dancy and singable song BoA.. what more can you ask for?

man what to say.
i mean its on par with some of the songs off their last album, but it is still so different in comparison.
some of my same gripes from my review of "I Don't Care" remain, although some lines are certainly quotable.
at certain times the band strikes a wonderful vocal range, hitting some lows and together with the beat bringing a very Depeche Mode feel to the song.
hell the beat itself sounds like something out of a 80's synth rock/pop manual.
and no Fall Out Boy song would be complete with mondgreen of somekind lol.
one line is either "Does your husband know the way that the sunshine bleeds from your wedding band" or Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band"
imho bleeds makes more sense but w/e
all in all i have to applaud what F.O.B. accomplishes... but i still miss what they brought to the table in years past.
theyre experimenting and theyre evolving, and most of all theyre growing.
and god damn the song is catchy

Another Fall Out Boy release off of Folie a Duex... "What a Catch, Donnie"
this one is even more different than the rest.
its a soulful balled like XO or Golden before it but its a little more difficult to get into.
i didnt particularly like Golden when i first heard it but it managed to grow on me somewhat
im not sure how much this one will grow on me.
not so say its not without merit.
most notably the song replays lines from famous F.O.B. singles at the end of the song, like "Grand Theft Autumn/Where is your boy", "Sugar We're Goin' Down", "Dance, Dance", "This Ain't a Scene its an Arms Race", "Thks fr th Mmrs", and even from "Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet"
it even features some great lines, but all in all its the kind of song you end an album with
and according to Wikipedia's Folie a Duex page... its mid album.
can't say what they might be thinking but i guess we'll have to see how it plays out on the album.
heres to hoping.

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye...
first off... its a great sounding song.
trademark Kanye beat.
great subject matter
wait... singable?
yep... there is no rapping in this song.
isn't that odd... for a rapper to do?
i know hes borederline hip-hop/R&B... but he was still a rapper
nonetheless i cant really find a reason to not like the song.
even the T-pain spin on his voice which i would normally complain about it is perfectly fine in the song
yes.... im weirded out at this strange turn of events in the Kanye saga... but its good.
i mean i think it may bring listeners to the table that aren't a big fan of his rap.
not to say he stands to lose fans of his college dropout record if he doesnt have some rapping on the LP.
we'll just have to see. its a great song though

Now this one is a gem... a total gem.
in basic premise its the entire Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack covered by other artists... even the instrumental songs.
it really is a blast to listen to famous and or other artists take on the great works of Danny Elfman
and since this is a CD of various artists i'll give a quick rundown of each song so you'll know what youre getting into if you buy it
which you should
go buy it >.>
- Overture - Devotchka - Good! mix Danny Elfman and eatern european stlye poka music (its good, dont be afriad!)
- Opening - Danny Elfman - Good! hes no Price or Stewart but this is his baby and its good to hear him on the narration for once
- This is Halloween - Marilyn Manson - Great, same as the one on the 2 disc NBC soundtrack a year or so ago
- Jack's Lament - The All-American Rejects - Passable. i say this because they apply their own style wel enough, but they lose feeling in the sadder parts of the song. injecting your style is great, but dont lose the point of the song
- Doctor Finkelstien/In the Forest - Amiina - Good. its instrumental and sounds great, similar to th original but with a twist
- Whats This? - Flyleaf - fail. they miss the point of the song, once again injecting your style is great but dont lose the point of the song. its supposed to be about an inquizitive and exciting new thing jack discovers, and her vocals sound lazy and disintrested.
- Town Meeting song - The Polyphonic Spree - Fail. this song is simply painful to listen to
- Jack and Sally Montage - Viatamin String Quartet - Good! very faithful but a great way to listen to the song with just a dash of difference to make it interesting
- Jack's Obsession - Sparklehorse - Fail. also painful. its not only painful to listen to but breaks up the vocals making them awkward. ignores the feel of the original song too
- Kidnap the Sandy Claws - KoRn - Great! im not a fan of KoRn, in fact i actively dislike them. but i have to say they successfully add their own style without changing the song. good job
- Making Christmas - Rise Against - Great, same as above, they are decen about controlling their angst partailly without sounding foriegn to their natural style. they capture the intensity of jack in parts of the song, good job
- Nabbed - Yoshida Brothers - Great! almost completely different from the original but the Mandolin sounds incredible, more proof that different can still equal great
- Oogie Boogie's Song - Rodrigo y Gabriella - Great! with no words even! spanish guitars play all but 2 lines in the whole song, which are the only vocals. daring, bold, and different
- Sally's Song - Amy Lee - Great! worth buying the album for. Fiona Apple's version was good but her vocal style can sometimes be too morose. Amy captures the intensity of Sally's doubts without making her sound suicidal. and shes got some pipes on her too
- Christmas Eve Montage - RJD2 - Great, a treat to listen to, a DJ doing a remix of the song making it seem very edgy, yet faithful. i can listen to it all day
- Poor Jack - Plain White T's - Good. The vocals can be a bit tiring at times and i have to deduct points for trying to simply copy the original, but they do play it well and definatly capture the emotion
- To the Rescue - Datarock - Great! so fun to listen too, especially with the music that plays during the fight with oogie boogie! can also listen to it all day!
- Finale/Reprise - Shiny Toy Guns - Great! take what i said about RJD2 and add good vocals. faithful while different, also very fun to listen to!
- Closing - Danny Elfman - Good. Same as i said about the opening
- End Title - The Album Leaf - One of the most faithful songs on the album but a very good way to close it off. anything as different as some of the others would leave me feeling less nostagic i think.
and there ya have it!
with more winners than losers i think anyone that can get into the 5 covers on the special edition soundtrack from a year or so ago will love it.
just in time for halloween too!
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