Maritime - Adjective - IPA: /'mærɪtaɪm/1. Related to the sea or sailing2. Of or relating to a mariner or sailor
Now your wondering.... why the definition?
well im sure you all could use a little learnin'.... but mostly its to get my pun of a title.
you see im a Corsair in FFXI.... what... you knew that already?
so yeah... Maritime... "of or relating to a mariner or sailor"... check.
Maritime sounds like Merit Time... check.
ive been meriting the last couple weeks... oh, now we get the pun! (hey i didnt say it was a good one ok?)
basically its been like this: i know exactly what im going to merit for my COR, and for most of my other jobs to boot.
afterall the goal is to be badass... like this:

Oh yeah... thats so gonna be me! anyways heres the plan:
max combo:5
max per item:5
STR (5/5) 3>6>9>9>9
total: 36 merits needed
Combat Skills:
max combo: 20
max per item: 8
Marksmanship Skill (8/8) 1>2>3>3>3>3>3>3
Dagger Skill (6/8) 1>2>3>3>3>3
Sword Skill (6/8) 1>2>3>3>3>3
total: 51 merits needed
max combo: 8
max per item: 4
Critical Hit Rate (4/4) 1>2>3>4
total: 10 merits needed
Corsair Group 1:
max combo: 10
max per item: 5
Quick Draw Recast (5/5) 1>2>3>4>5
Quick Draw Accuracy (5/5) 1>2>3>4>5
total: 30 merits needed
Corsair Group 2:
max combo: 10
max per item: 5
Snake Eye (3/5) 3>4>5
Fold (3/5) 3>4>5
Winning Streak (3/5) 3>4>5
Loaded Deck (1/5) 3
total: 39 merits needed
....thats 166 merits needed total.... which is 1,660,000 limit points to gain.
wait... i already have 1 in Marksmanship, Crit rate, Quick Draw recast, Fold, Snake Eye, and Loaded deck... so 12 total merits earned
well thats 120,000 limit points
yay! only 1,540,000 to go!!!
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