Well now...
i didn't get my hat last night.... but someone else did:

Speaking of insanity...
you know i was thinking about what the Joker said in The Dark Knight....
"Y'see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little...push."
which brings me to the gravity of this situation.
Y'see , just after that RDM relic dropped.... a PLD relic dropped also.
cause esentially, nobody panics when things go according to plan.
even if the plan is horrifying.
if i tell everyone we will all wipe in dyna, or that you'll DC and your relic will go freelot, nobody panics.
because its all part of the plan.
but when one guy wins Valor Surcoat over some of the other PLDs in the LS... well then everyone loses thier minds!
Introduce a little anarchy.
Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.
Just like Saiyajinn's Surcoat lot.
completely fair.
yet some people still feel they have the right to bitch about how it shouldve gone to them
total chaos.
I'm an agent of chaos.
Oh, and you know the thing about chaos?
It's fair.
so people stop showing me the worst of humanity because you were beat fair and square.
so what if he doesnt bring PLD to dyna?
hes 75 /equip
and of ALL other things he couldve lotted in Xarc, he chose that. he wanted it over everything else.
thats gotta say something.
he had every right, and people thought otherwise
I guess it showed us. when the chips are down people will show ya who they really are.
Mordion Goal will be doubling up the rate PA's PLDs are going mad...
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