not only that but its sorta hard to eat your own words when you've stuck your foot in it.
yes thats right:

Death Magnetic done made a fool of me.
i'm prolly not the only one either.
it all started a couple weeks ago.
"you heard the new metallica yet buddy?" a coworker asked me. "its good!"
"well thats the problem man, "new" and "metallica" dont go together very well" i replied.
and that was it. for a couple weeks.
CD came out, i didn't hear anything bad about it. and i even heard some good things.
I saw this cool Skullcandy Metallica styled Hesh headphones, cheap as hell with an itunes card for the Death Magnetic download too.
i almost considered it, mostly because the headphones were $20 cheaper than i paid for my Hesh.
and i do love those headphones.
still didnt buy em.
Then this morning.....
was driving to work and what should come on the radio (99.5 the Rocket baby!) but "The Day that Never Comes"
now i didnt know thats the song that was playing.
but in my ignorance i listened.... and liked.
now im listening to a ripped copy and i have to say... i still like.
it starts of with just post classic metallica guitar riffs in "That Was Just Your Life" and the album actually holds its steam very well.
of course im sure Rick Ruben had something to do with that but hey, who can argue when Metallica fans no longer have to say "old Metallica" on their list of favorite music.
James actually lets the guitars take precedence in some very classic Metallica styled solos.
good i needed him to shut up every once and awhile
It even features "The Unforgiven III" (still not as good as its predecesors but at least a welcome addition to the story)
Make no mistake this is no "Kill 'em All" which is probably the highest energy classic Metallica CD i have in my collection, but its definatly something to shut people like me up.
and something to make people no longer ashamed to say they like Metallica.
i know i was for awhile >.>
mind you i haven't totally forgiven for them for their collective idocracy (Lars mostly) but at least i can listen to this CD and tell myself "at least the music is good!"
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