I think we've all been where I am at least once. So many games to purchase, but the wallet doesn't seem to be quite as accommodating. How we cope with our gaming habits when the funds are tight can be considered a testament to our dedication as gamers. Some wait for sales, some buy used, some rent, or some give in to the dark side and resort to piracy.
Even though I try to buy new games as often as I can, I still feel bad since I feel I should be doing more to support my favorite developers. Take for instance a few months back. New to twitter, I bragged about finally getting my hands on a copy of Infinite Space for DS by Platinum Games, Nude Maker, and publisher Sega. Platinum Games actually replied to my tweet, congratulating me and asking me if I found it new. It hit me, and I felt guilty instantly, that my purchase of this game used meant they wouldn't be getting any money from it. I consoled myself with the facts but it didn't help much. I still felt like I was doing a diservice to Platinum Games, who show genuine talent for developing quality gaming experiences, only to be met with figures far below what they deserve. Despite my high opinion of them I am contributing to their misfortune!

A few weeks ago Best Buy had a great sale on Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One for PS3 at only $10. Though a slightly different experience than previous titles, the Ratchet & Clank games are consistently some of the best PlayStation first party titles out there. Big ups to Insomniac for giving us some great family friendly titles that don't skimp on gameplay in the least. Paying only $10 seemed criminal at the time, though at least this was spent on a new copy. The same story repeated yesterday with me purchasing a copy of Eat Sleep Play and SCE Santa Monica Studio's Twisted Metal for $20. By all accounts these games are worth far more than their sale prices, I simply find it hard to make room for more than one full price game a month, sometimes less than that.

I do feel guilty about it, hoping for the day when my budget might allow me to pay more than just lip service to the developers out there who make less than they deserve, but for now this is my reality. A reality that will lead me to Gamestop today to pick up a new copy of Nether Realm's Mortal Kombat for PS Vita for $10. What can I say, I'm broke!
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