Excuse the corny name for the deck, i couldn't resist!
This one, like so many of my other Magic decks is Black/Blue.
I was still dissapointed overall in the Alara block but i got over it and with the addition of Magic 2010 (the new core set) i have regained some of my faith in this once excellent card game. (more about that in a later post - promise!)
so without further ado... Jace of Spades!

- 3x Jace Beleren
- 4x Underworld Dreams
- 4x Sign in Blood
- 4x Howling Mine
- 2x Font of Mythos
- 2x Twincast
- 3x Dream Fracture
- 2x Countersquall
- 2x Soul Manipulation
- 2x Doom Blade
- 4X Call to Heel
- 4x Tidehollow Strix
- 4x Parasitic Strix
- 3x Drowned Catacomb
- 3x Taramorphic Expanse
- 8x Swamp
- 8x Island
Now now, i know what youre thinking.... playing with a planeswalker? for shame!
im pretty ashamed actually, ive been bitching about them since they first came out
but as i was pouring over the new type 2 cards when M10 was released i saw the chance to do something i haven't been able to do well in type 2 for some time: make an Underworld Dreams deck.
Sure Wheel and Deal is out, sure the lack of Psychic Possession makes the deck a tad weaker, yes theres no more Teferi's Puzzlebox awesomeness... but there is this guy...
Good ol' Jace Beleren.
that and a few other very cool cards like Sign in Blood make for a (new) one-two punch with the 'Dreams.

Now if youve ever played a Underworld Dreams deck its pretty simple, get 'Dreams out (fast) and then flood thier hand like theres no tomorrow.
the Strixes are for chump blocking and stalling, and the counters and bounce are for annoying the living crap out of your opponent.
what blue does best eh?
now this is really only how it exists right now, using only Alara block cards and M10 cards (since lolLorwyn/Shadowmoor is leaving type 2 soon) so i hope some more fuel for the fire will be added in the upcomming Zendikar set!
P.S. YES, i know its 62 cards :p
P.P.S. Taking advantage of the fact Lorwyn/Shadowmoor cards are still Type 2 im temporarily substituting Cancels for Dream Fractures, more card drawing FTW afterall! (at least til Oct, when Zendikar bumps the Lorwyn block out)
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