Heheh. yes. i got it...

well as im sure you can assume... and assuming is for asses btw...
but yes you can guess im going to review the damn game now.
you were right!
does that happen often?
probably not... anyways
Fable II, sequel to the highly successful albiet lacking Fable for Xbox.
the shiney limited edition will look like this:
and contain this a download card for the "Otherworldly Download pack" which features the "HAL" armor set and "Hal's Sword".
being the completely awesome epicness this game is this is what the Hal armor is:
Master Fucking Chief armor
what more do you want? sheesh.
oh yeah the other bonuses?
you also get access to the Halls of the Dead dungeon, (off the main pier in Bloodstone, look for a dive spot) and within that a legendary sword called "The Wreckager"
well anyways thats what ya get....
there was supposed to also be a mini hobbe figurine and a set of 4 or 5 Fable II tarot cards.
where those went i'll never know....
anyways... if youve played the first game i'll save ya some time.
Go Get This Game.
well that is if you like what the first had to offer but wanted more.
we ALL wanted more.
did you like owning a massive property empire in Fable?
now you can own even more... and all your money is deposited directly to your characters every collection period! no more running!
did you like having one wife per city so no matter where you are you could always get some blacked out sex screen with some girl calling you norty?
you can save sex out of wedlock now! or if you do choose to get married you can even have children in Fable II, and not only that but watch that roving eye, cause if your wife(s) find out about mistresses/other families they'll give ya the ol heave ho!
speakin of sex outa wedlock, there are hookers in this game, but watch it cause sleepin with them skanks might result in getting an STD! and if that wasn't enough, you can even have sex with multiple men, women, or any combonation thereof! (theres even an achievement for it LOL)
did you like the morality system?
Fable II expands on it by having 2 distinct character aligntment bars Good/Evil and Morale/Corrupt. fall into any place on the two for a more descriptive character personality.
Emotes have been improved in Fable II also giving you more choices, and giving every NPC in the game 3 different ways to judge you: Love/Hate, Fear/Light Heartedness and Ugly/Beautiful
The fields and world are much much larger than the first Fable, about 10x more so as Lionhead states.
even battle affects you characters appearnce this time around. being defeated results in the appearence of permanent scars on your body... and villagers will even comment on them!
Get tattoos, haircuts, facial hair, make up, and a variety of clothing to upgrade your appearance! not only that but there are a variety of Dyes to change the color of anything you dont like, clothes included!
and quite possibly the biggest change to the game... mans best friend! (no not porn)

yep you have your own little doggie (i names mine Indiana)
he can bark to alert you if enemies are near, sniff out treasure chests you can't see, sniff out treasure buried in the ground, attack downed enemies to finish them off, distract enemies that may be trying to shoot you from a distance and even preform tricks to show off for the vilagers of albion.
all in all this was a great game, with many things to do after you be the main story line and a great experience overall.
did i mention you can do CO-OP now?!
lol yup, over Xbox Live even.
you can even unlock achievements by watching your friend accomplishments if youre playing with him on his game.
what would i give this game?
i'll give it an AWESOME/10
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