Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
performing Gives You Hell (its their on-tour back-up guitarist, i thought id give him some spotlight for being an unsung hero!)
thus concludes my posting in real time from the concert, give me a couple days and ill get a slide show up of the rest of the pics i have
performing It Ends Tonight
Tyson actually said before they started playing this song that a friend of his (namely their sound tech at the concert) and a rough patch they got into once.
in his words "This song is about having a friend and literally wanting to smother him in his sleep!"
performing Mona Lisa (When the World Comes Down)
before starting the song he actually asked for girls to volunteer to dance with him during the song ("Please no 14 year olds, this statutory rape shit makes me uncomfortable")
the lucky girl is Celina, and from the looks of it may have just narrowly escaped Tyson's no 14-year olds clause!
AAR Insanity!
holy shit is it packed
AAR is next but above (sorry for poor quality) is a surprise performance by none other than Rob Thomas! (no shit!)
thats Shiny Toy Guns playing 3 a.m. with him singing!
woot! what a bonus!