Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009
but since theyre on the shards block i figure i might as well build up some cards while waiting
so as per the usual i bought myself a fat pack to sample the set
this has always been a good idea because for 25-30 bucks you can get some packs, some storage boxes, the new magic novel, a 20 sided die, some card organizers, and most importantly a little booklet that shows all the cards in the set
its an invaluable deck building resource in hardcopy
well so anwyays i bought a Conflux fat pack and cracked it open
immediatly i notice somethings amiss
where there should have been 2 boxes there was only 1
not to mention there were no card index tab things
and where there should have been a book there was a sample chapter
oh, but there were 2 more packs than normal
so ok correct me if im wrong here but if i wanted more packs doesnt it make sense to buy packs?
but im not buying packs
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
One Righteous Song
just thought i'd mention that >.>
Monday, March 2, 2009
Viewer Discretion Advised
well we threw dude a early surprise birthday party on saturday
herein lies the true account of the events that occured
of course we spent all day sat running around like chickens with our heads cut off
juli and i, i mean
the cake itself (pic so very related) took alot longer than juli expected

she baked at my parents house, who thought it was a riot, and oddly enough everyone got involved
i mean everyone, the skin colored frosting was courtesy of one of josh's friends who happens to be an artist as i understand
everyone else helped prepare it in someway he loved the cake and after egging him on he even motorboated it lol
a good time was had by all and apart from me realizing i had left my 12 pack of Mountain Dew Voltage in the shopping cart at target it was a good night
then around midnight the blackout happened
pretty much any resident of el paso knows what im talking about
the whole eastside which is the cities second largest area was entirely blacked out
for us, it lasted about 3 hours
we had fun though, we hung out and chatted by candal light for 3 hours before finally deciding to pack it up and head home
at first the street lights and traffic lights were actually off but then they were starting to be switched on, one by one as we were driving home
pretty soon they were all on and power was restored to our apt by the time we got home.
all in all a good day
i still miss those Mountain Dews though >.>